definitely white first o!!!! it is really gorgeous!!!! be4 i want 2 buy da pink box as well... but still prefer the shape of first.... looks much better than box.... bt if u have more stuff to carry, then box would be better 4 u.... pink dis season is 2 light 4 me... although it is indeed very cute....
so my suggest would be da white first! u will want 2 carry it with u all da time... ^^
謝謝大家熱情的回應^^ 真的很感激 我的東西很多 真的滿需要容量大的包包 既然大家都說the first容量小 所以the first v.s. the box ----> the first out 那請問有人知道medium size的the city容量大ㄇ? 好像很多好萊塢的明星都買這款耶~ 肩背好像也很有型 好懊惱阿~~~ 還有阿 Balenciaga的淺色包包容易髒ㄇ? 因為我還滿粗魯的 常常喜歡把包包亂丟耶