Hello Orange Rain, now you are Vivienne Westwood :-) So, VW is the skinnier you right.
OK, I'l going to call you VW (although it also sounds like a car >""< ) Today is my last day in Copenhagen, I'm so happy. My flight is at 15:00 so I can relax tonight at home and wait for my boyfriend. I'm also going shopping in the airport, Copenhagen has some amazing designers.(only I don' t have a lot of money) Last night it was raining, so I couldn't sport outside. I didn't have any dinner and I had my breakfast just now. Everyday I'm getting less and less hungry, cus my stomach is really getting used to no food....I think if I have a dinner now I can't eat it at all. I'm also very afraid that my body just won't need any food any more, cus the metabolism had gone down so I will not lose any weight. But now it's all too soon to say, I have to stand on the weight !! Do you think I should weight myself tonight or tomorrow morning?? (Very excited, haven't seen my weight for a week) my period is gone, so next week will be my golden week of losing weight, I will do my best to sport and eat less. Talk soon.