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美國居-閒聊版 part 7 - 喜氣洋洋

  • 我剛剛才知道7/3號大家都放假∼


  • 祝大家國慶連假快樂呀!
  • 我住北加:)
  • 真是不好意思∼好久沒來了
  • 哈囉~
    你們有人在看新影集flash  forward嗎﹖
  • 剛看到Best Buy網站上一個讓人很囧的價格, 那位負責打字的員工死定了啦!


  • 請繼續~
  • 住LA的美國居朋友很多唷~~

  • 想知道阿呆星買best buy後續發展~~哈~

  • 我剛也看到同一篇新聞~好巧~
  • PrincessBride

    your  leasing  office  has  to  maintain  a  habitable  standard  for  the  tenants.  You  should  contact  your  local  fair  housing  renter  hotline  or  something  like  that  and  ask  for  legal  advice. 
    Good  luck!!
  • 我我我我招了
  • CharmeC的話:

    剛看到Best Buy網站上一個讓人很囧的價格, 那位負責打字的員工死定了啦!

  • http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=8311580&page=1
    基本上咧...bestbuy不認帳....早上收到一封信說order canceled... 連張gift card都沒有咧...就一句對不起...哼!!!
  • 雪莉魚 雪莉魚~~~~~ 我要你的山寨版啦~~~~ 快出現啦!!!!  活動都要結束了 還收集不到 不甘願啦~~~~~
  • July 4th 大家要去哪裡玩阿?? 我要去vegas... 聽說有100度耶. ... 我開始後悔做了這個決定... 希望不要變成人乾回來
  • HiHi….大家還好嗎 抱歉阿 很久沒來版跟大家say hi… ..其實有一些小不好意思

    我有一段時間失業勒 覺得好embarrassed…..我原生家庭阿其時是還蠻不喜歡我地….my brother can do whatever he likes and get financial+親情 support whenever he needs but me is opposite……anyway, 小時候不覺得big deal and thought that as long as I study hard and I can make it my own…but as time goes by就是find out 阿自己其實並沒有自己想那麼聰明ㄟ …………..study is just so so…not THAT good……….

    我現在有 一個 屋漏偏逢連夜雨的問題 …….my apartment(rented) …has really BAD leaking problems from the ceiling in the living room….there are two vertical lines and one horizontal line leaks ( shape like letter H ) … the leaks started on this (Saturday) morning.:(((

    I have use 8 containers ( buckets + trash cans + plastic boxes ) to catch the water and empty them on regular basis. .(probably need more containers…the water line is getting thicker )

    But, there is a on-going raining keeping falling all thru labor day weekend. I was hope they can fix for me this Saturday afternoon ( only time that is NO rain), I contact management this morning….my apartment can DID NOTHING(this is a labor day weekend)… about it until tueaday or Wednesday ( they did not fix things quick ) and they GAVE me really NASTY / REFUSE attitude about fixing ASAP.

    I feel quite desperately........Anyone knows any LAWS or anything that I can have them fix for me earlier or quicker?????????

    謝謝大家!!!! 希望大家都有一戈平安如意的居住環境!!!

  • 焦糖甜心:
    謝謝你reply. :)  It’s nice of you to responds my post.
    There is sunshine now just thru the windows.
    我有好消習再來後續報. Praying…………
  • Hi,  洛腳 and 大家:

      來update 一下我的blowing apartment situation>>>maintenance ppl came to fix on Wednesday and paint the gap on Friday 就是labor day 之後…喔日子過的好慢when it’s leaking and 咻咻的一下子就過去了 afterwords…..i hope it will never happened again or to anybody.  
      Have a great autumn.:-)
  • HI~~版主 , 大家~ ^ ^ :
    Long time no see~~~上一次流言蹟忽是兩個月前~~~wow….i miss all the small updates from the board…..大家有空drop by 吧~~~thanksgiving is coming this Thursday…….wish everyone has a happy holidays : -D……

    ….besides my sucky apt.......awww.....not mension this........this year,  me and someone are planning to buy turkey-to-go and sides(mash potatoes or sweet potatoes or baked stuffing/2 sides  + made br fresh cranberry sauce) which is include in the turkey to go......the thanksgiving meal from a local casino ^ ^ ..( it only cost about 60usd )...good price  we think.......was thinking to go to Vegas either for Xmas or new year BUT not sure if we are able to get good price for hotel......money is really shrinking for us:(....ewww.....not mension this. ^ ^""..

    Have a fun and safe holidays, Put your hands Up!!!!  ^ ^
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