Congradualation! I had my daughter in Taiwan and my son in H.K. My personal experience is that H.K. hospital is much much better, (just my personal experience, and that was 6 years ago) In fact, H.K. was better than U.S. I had my first one in U.S. I stayed in 港安, and my doctor is very very good, if you need it, please leave a message in the mail box, I can give you the information by e-mail. But your mother is in Taiwan, so perhaps you want to stay with your mom..至於坐月子, Taiwan food taste better than H.K. food, but the result of eatting Cantonese style is pretty good too..Just for your reference. Are you in Taiwan now? If you need help when you come back to H.K. I am glad to help...
Yeah..I am in Taiwan now. I like to stay in Taiwan to 坐月子...but I still concern about my poor husband...his job is very busy and he`s gonna feel bad if he can`t see us everyday.
Alternitively, I ask my mom to come to least she can cook some simple stuff for me..
Don`t worry too much! The only difference of the gynecologist in Taiwan and HK is the amount they charge. HK is very expensive. Be sure to bring all your blood test history from TW, otherwise they will ask you to do a lot of blood test in HK and the cost is quite ....amazing.
My gynecologist is in Central if you want I can refer to you!