"Helmut Lang"新設計雙人組
被日本Theory買下的Helmut Lang找到新設計師囉 是Habitual的創始人Michael and Nicole Colovos(>>>>) 跟據WWD報導 這對夫婦已離開Habitual 將在2007年春推出Helmut Lang capsule collection
Yay! 我還蠻喜歡Habitual牛仔褲的耶
"We`re not Helmut Lang and aren`t trying to re-create what he did. There`s room to inject your own idea into it, and there`s a thread we will follow." Nicole Colovos
Yay! 我還蠻喜歡Habitual牛仔褲的耶
"We`re not Helmut Lang and aren`t trying to re-create what he did. There`s room to inject your own idea into it, and there`s a thread we will follow." Nicole Colovos