我ㄉ電腦打開還未進入 windows 裡面出現這個內容
要等很久很久才能在進入 windows 裡面
我是電腦白吃!! 現在又要期中考了
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
A disk check has been scheduled.
Windows will now check the disk.
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5)…
File verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 5)…
Index verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 5)…
Security descriptor verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)…
86 percent completed
要等很久很久才能在進入 windows 裡面
我是電腦白吃!! 現在又要期中考了
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
A disk check has been scheduled.
Windows will now check the disk.
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5)…
File verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 5)…
Index verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 5)…
Security descriptor verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)…
86 percent completed