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hi guys, i`m helping a friend to translate some stuff, however, i don`t know some of its chinese translation, can anyone help?

1. la nina- you know, as in "cold episodes"..
2. affirmative action- the set of public policies and initiatives designed to help eliminate past and present discrimination.
3. glass ceiling- a ceiling based on attitudinal or organizational bias in the work force that prevents minorities and women from advancing to leadership positions

uh, i only need to translation for the nouns, the definitions are for your references~ anyone know what i`m talking about?

  • 1聖嬰現象(La Nino)
    但你的原文是La Nina....我想不同處在於一為冷一為熱?(有誤請糾正)
    3玻璃天花板(that is the direct translation, I dont think there`s a Chinese
    term for it)----女性或少數族裔在職場遭遇的無形障,如同玻璃天花板
  • needed
    thank you so much!!!!!

    聖嬰is el nino. and yes you`re right about la nina being the cold version, but i don`t know the proper chinese term for it...
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