Except basic English skill, I would say computer skill. All multi-national companies use main frame/ client server systems and many of them run paperless working flows. This means everything processes by computer.
As far as I know many foreign-invested companies in Taiwan they recruit people through internal reference or headhunters. So you may not see their ads on the newspaper. Also, their HR people may periodically search qualified people on the internet by themselves when they have job openings.
2002-12-06 02:26:48
如果你知道志趣在哪,應該就要隨時注意有哪些相關公司。例如,你是唸金融的話,就該research瞭解台灣的金融業及動態發展,接下來再進一步研究specific targets,是否符合你的願景。台灣的我不知道,在美國,有些書(directory and other reference books)專門介紹各產業的主要公司,並提供聯絡名址及人事部負責人等資訊。你也可以去電詢問,該公司是由誰負責收resume。 如果志趣和念的科系不同,是不是很難被錄取?這很難講!還要考慮其他因素。