hi pina colada,
我也是暑假回台灣做喔! 我已經覺定給台中楊國輝醫師做了(雖然沒有去過台中)他跟我說停兩個星期就可以了. Be sure to ask about your health insurance coverage regarding breast implants. I`m gonna call my health insurance provider and ask them if they`ll cover the reconstruction costs just in case the implants rupture or something.
I was planning on going back for a whole month (coz you gotta go back see the doctor after 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks and a month) but Dr. Yang said i can just email him pictures instead. I`ll definitely go visit the doctor again in 2 or 3 months but i dont have so much time to stay in taiwan to wait around for another appointment.
when are you planning to go? maybe we can talk about it on msn? add me! =) nicev@hotmail.com