我應該會去荷,法,德,義..<bR>主要待再法國差不多八~九天<BR>在法國想去Vichy做SPA,想住一天古堡<BR>其他天想省一點住...麻煩大家ㄌ...<br>有機會法國見ㄌ~~^o^..this is my photo..<Br>http://photo.taipeilink.net/polocat
to 皮魯貓 i know that..that was really bad for the visitors...:p but i am living in the station Europe. i think it may not effact us.. and do u know where is the good shopping place. `cause i went to LV in champs élysée, thousands of the products are display only. that was really bad for me... thank you very much..