
  • 並沒有便宜到.之前我到過紐約.波士頓...比較過.款式較新.未加稅折合台幣跟台灣差不多.不只這牌子其它大明牌也是.去歐洲買吧較便宜.連NIKE鞋折合台幣都比台灣貴.但都買了沒辦法.除非買過季商品.價錢差很多.你可以去OUTLET買.會挖到寶.
  • 在boston買lv的好處是沒有稅 加州的稅超重的 (7.25%!!!) boston買衣服和配件都沒稅喔 boston的lv在copley裡面 那附近還有其他知名品牌喔 買衣服在boston最划算了
  • 我也在波士頓唷~LV在boston還是要稅阿~不過美國的LV定價是比台灣便宜拉~衣服的話好像$170以上就要稅(不太記得正確的amount)
  • ㄟ~~我也住Bostonㄟ~~哪些水水住Boston下次一起去看名牌吧^^
  • 你們都在boston阿 那一定知道new bury st 上那家R開頭的精品店摟? 哀 好懷念boston喔...
  • Riccardi嗎~~我朋友超恐怖~是那家的大戶~每個員工都認識他
  • 哇~~~我好想認識你朋友ㄏㄏㄏ
    我不住Boston但週末都會在Copley和N B St.上閒晃
  • soptake~~
    I actually live in Ashburnham, where my school located, cuz I live in school :P
    However, I went to Boston like every weekend, and I hang out in Copley a lot ^^
    my e-mail is buffyteddybears@yahoo.com
    we should hang out sometimes, nice 2 meet you!!!
  • barneysNY
    沒錯啦 就是riccardi啦 店員有的時候很煩ㄟ 看你沒啥打扮的話 你在看東西就會在旁邊一直跟一直看...好像我要偷他們的東西似的...


    大家在boston都唸啥學校? 我是從Lawrence Academy畢業的...
  • chowson:
  • barneysNY
    是阿 我現在是大學生了 不過不在BOSTON 我在Washington DC...
  • Y&R
    YES!!!!!! Oh my god, i am already screaming...aaaaaaaaaaaaa Did Luxe go to LA as well or did she attend the Groton School?

  • love nyc

    How did Lawrence get so popular suddenly?...Anwyays, Lawrence was fun and people who graduated with me all miss it very much now...but I don't think Lawrence has a good academic program though...

    I mean, compare to other ISL schools (St pauls, St georges, Concord, Tabor (my sis goes there now) and other schools) all offer lots of AP classes...

    However, Lawrence barely had any when I was there…Tabor, for example, offers calculus AP, BC and other crazy math classes…but Lawrence only had AP at the time…And getting into APs in Lawrence was like impossible. It wasn’t because the student weren’t smart enough to get in; it was because Lawrence only offered ONE Calculus AP class…and you can only get into the class if the class fits your schedule on top of you being very smart…

    Where do you go to school now? Fay?
  • Y&R
    Yes not only that I fainted, and it took me awhile to get up from falling on to the ground...

    How old is Luxe? Does she know a guys name Louis Wu?
  • 我在Cushing Academy....但是可能會轉去唸Exeter.....
  • Cushing?!...Lawrence死對頭...范緯琪就是那畢業的說

    Exeter不好進去 誰叫他是全美最好的私立高中 那你加油摟
  • fg果然都是有錢人來的~大家都念了好貴的私立住宿學校~我的學校講出來可能會很遜色~呵呵~我是nmh的~我以前還有去過cushing打team唷~阿這裡有人念andover嗎??
  • BOSTON能買到哪些名牌呢?有prada,miu miu嗎?或是其他別的
  • barneysNY

    NMH不會遜色啦 不過你的學校好像很大ㄟ 而且你們的那的台灣人加香港人因該有百餘人吧?...那可真好 不像現在的我和以前在lawrence的時候...台灣人的數量我一隻手就可以數完了...

    還有 等你上大學以後就會知道教育費有多貴...我這裡的學費每年漲5%! 現在學費加住宿已經是美金39開
    頭了 明年一漲 就會要到4開頭 不過還好我有獎學金護身 要不然我爸媽可能會抓狂...

  • ㄏㄏLawrence是我們ㄉ死對頭嗎?還好吧,我們ㄉteam跟你們好像沒打很多場ㄚ.......至少hockey是這樣啦.....(本人只關心hockey game.....)