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減肥日記 / 回台灣讓我復胖我要再瘦五公斤

我身高168cm, 現在體重54.2 從一月開始減肥 我雖然很難減 但是還是最後甩了四到五公斤 大約昰到52.8回台灣的 但是回去之後也昰抵噹不住鮮芋仙和鹽酥雞的 現在又復胖了 但是我要在兩個月內減到50 請為我加油 Breakfast: milk and cereal 120 banana 100 food to bring with: pineapple 80 2 apples 120 1 peach 80 1 yogurt 60 2 eggs 100 lunch: salad: 250 so far 910 go to the gym after work
  • mimipei: 我有看到美美的婚紗照 超美的!!每張我都有看 臉蛋小的要命身材正翻掉!!! 好喜歡唷!!看超仔細的辣~ 你有新照片要跟我說^^我要看唷~ 還有加油加油!! 體重比我當初減肥前輕太多了 以前我要減肥到54也非常辛苦不容易阿!!! 所以兩個月減到50絕對不是問題 新版版^^ 很高興你有你的版了X) 以後我都要來光顧!!! 哈哈 我現在也在努力找回我的體重 我怠惰兩三個月了.. 現在每天有比以前還要勤勞一點做點運動 親愛的戰友!!! 一起努力吧~ 有這個版版~~ 以後又可以狂聊天了!!! 好爽!!
  • 今天早上54.0 有點小失望耶 昨天晚上我的新廚房終於裝好了 超級高興的 花了我一個小時讚嘆不已 終於終於可以煮湯了 所以昨天晚上一整天昰忙著整理廚房 還是有吃一點葡萄和花生 希望是因為我小紅還在所以速度慢吧 拜託一公斤都要好久才會離開我 總覺得自己腫腫的 而且我覺得身體會去適應新體重耶 以前如果我是54 不知道有多高興覺得自己多瘦咧 現在因為又復胖到54 覺得自己真的昰全身啇油 噁心的不得了耶 我現在也有再吃DHC的甲殼素和膠原蛋白 看看可不可以囉 現在雖然又開始辛苦的肚子餓 但是想到回台灣時候大吃的光景 其實還滿開心的 尤其是和我男友一起 因為他是觀光客嘛 難免會要多吃 所以我也都陪他十點去頂泰豐耶 想想犧牲有夠大的 還剩兩個月了 我一定可以減四公斤的
  • Breakfast: - mochi 50Kcal - milk with cereal 150Kcal - cold cut 20Kcal lunch: - salad 250Kcal - apple 60Kcal Going to the gym after work
  • mimipei: 我也認同你說的 如果以前我會覺得瘦到現在這樣多好阿 但是現在卻又覺得自己全身是肥肉噁心死了 我想女人都永遠不滿足吧!! 終於知道那些比我瘦的女模特兒為啥還要減肥 真的肥都是自己之道的地方>> 永遠不滿足 我也要開始辛苦的餓肚子 >> 乎~ 減肥還真是永遠的事 天阿!! 鼎泰豐!! 我超想吃的但是沒有吃過 >貴!! 但是那個好好吃唷~~雖然沒吃過XDD 好想吃X( 一定可以!!! 一起加油!!! GOGOGOGO!!!
  • Orange Rain, I woke up too late today so I couldn't turn on my laptop at home. Sorry...but during the weekend I've eaten ""A LOT"". Friday, Saturday and Sunday I all had very big dinner. (My kitchen is here finally, so I can cook whatever I want now) this morning I'm 54.5 so it's not on the plan at all :-( sad.....but I really have to get myself back to track, really really can not eat like this, or else all the efforts are for nothing. Breakfast: - mochi 60Kcal - cereal milk 120Kcal - banana 80 Kcal
  • mimipei: 加油加油!!! 我都會上來看你捏 想說怎麼不見辣@@哈哈 今天禮拜一囉 我們一起把握這一個禮拜吧^^
  • 我在哦 週末我在整理房子 廚房終於到了 好開心 不過我回來的日子就是一直整理一直整理 很多時候因為上班回來很累了 所以每次雄心壯志的說要整理 又累的睡著 因為房子亂 心情也相對的不好 因為都不能好好休息啊 男朋友在這種時候是沒用的 所以我還是要一天一天整理 週末吃超多的 因為廚房來 也煮了義大利麵哦 然後應酬也很多 因為剛回來 就很多朋友要見 大家都說婚紗照的好 也不知道是不昰客套啦 反正聽了也很舒服 最開心的昰 還是很多人說 我變瘦 這已經是復胖的了 但是我的婚紗也是有修手臂和肚子啦 哈 這個星期我一定要努力啦 結果搞了半天還是又回到54.5 媽的咧 唉 沒辦法 朋友從日本又帶了魷魚絲 和麻吉咧 根本沒辦法不吃對吧 但是我今天有上健身房 然後到現在沒吃 只剩兩個月要結婚了 為了要做漂亮的新娘 請為我加油
  • Last night my dinner was some mango and one piece of chocolate. This morning the weight is 53.9. Sigh, so now, even if I don't eat anything the weight is going down very slowly.terrible. But I'm going to continue this week for sure. tomorrow 53.7 maybe?? the goal this week is 53.5 (you see I'm not greedy at all, very healthy). I've gone down that much before....so it should be easy enough. Below 52.9 would be hard for me. GO GO GO!!!!
  • 今天早上昰53.9 但是今天晚上運動完 突然被飢餓攻擊 所以我今天晚上吃的比較多 唉 真的很討厭 不知道明天體重會怎樣 趕快睡吧
  • Continuous two days eating too much, I really don't know what's gotten into me!! Is it because I'm too tensed about this thing? Last night I have wedding make up appointments~~ so I went with my girlfriend to get powder, concealor? and fake lashes. Man, this girl can do make up...and she is really hot. I guess everyone is hugely different. I think I'm way smarter but I'm not too sure if it's such a bad thing to be her. She must be around 169 cm , this tall skinny girl...OK, the point is I had beef noodles and I even had an extra sandwich in the afternoon at work. That together is a good 500 Kcal extra I think. Today I have visitors tomorrow I also have visitors....so dinner, dinner and dinner. I'm feeling discouraged.
  • 連續狠吃了兩三天 有一種前功盡棄的感覺 這星期是最後一周男友不在 所以其實是可以好好減肥的 昨天晚上吃比較少 但是並沒有不吃 今天回來一點到了53.8 還有一點小高興耶 畢竟實在吃太多 運動昰一直有維持的 但是我深深體會到 本來覺得做的很好 都可以和美食說不 但是一個失心瘋 又很容易開始吃了 真的很難 這個星期目標是53至少
  • My breakfast: - yogurt with cereal 150Kcal - watermelon 50Kcal - honey water 20Kcal - banana 80Kcal My lunch: - salad 250Kcal - Egg 80Kcal - fruits I brought around 300Kcal Total: 930 Kcal Gym after work -400Kcal
  • 昨天是第二天我晚上運動 然後吃了蔬菜湯晚餐 我想熱量應該不太高吧 不知道耶 晚上還是餓餓的 不過沒有很難忍 今天早上降了0.1而已 不過我還滿習慣這種龜速的 畢竟和一般減肥的人 我又沒有吃很少 加上大量運動 反正先不管啦 先做再說 還有三天可以自主晚餐 所以我要好好珍惜 一個人再家減肥真的比較容易 有時候美食當前 心理想的就是小小一口也沒關係 但是莫名其妙就吃很多 加油吧 八月快到了
  • Today is a hungry day for me...eww.. terrible, my job is too boring, that's why. Breakfast: - bread with peanut butter 120Kcal - yogurt with cereal 100Kcal - 2 apples 120Kcal - 1 nectarine 60Kcal - banana 80Kcal lunch: - salad, soup and egg 450Kcal - cheeze 20Kcal - big mango 100Kcal - yogurt 60Kcal Dinner - vegi soup 100Kcal gym -400Kcal total today 1210 eww quite a lot for today right somehow I felt really full and uncomfortable...
  • 1210 kcal isn't that much i think do more exercise can burn all the calories u can do it! 加油! ^^
  • Hello Hild, I'm glad you replied, haha, a bit of motivations. 1210 is not much, and I went to the gym last night. But last night was difficult for me, after my vegisoup and my nuts I can still feel this waving hunger feeling kept on coming to me. My TV didn't work last night so I was watching some dvd..I managed not to snack on icecream or other things and lasted through my hunger...thinking this morning my weight should drop again. But NNNNOOOOOOOOOOO, it didn't. I gained 0.3 (54.0)..I know this is temporary and I know it's normal all blablabla....but I really just want to shout fxxx! When I can see 53.5? it's such a small wish...
  • Hello Mimipei, On diet really need motivation from people around, don't give up, u can do it! =) i know how u feel, i always think my weight will drop if i don't eat snack. too bad, not happen every morning XD eat some fruit or water if u feel hungry, that must help a little, and eat more in the morning so u won't feel too hungry at night. u can't get over the 停滯期, don't worry ;) anything can happen tomorrow
  • Last night I went to the movies with my girls, I had to pick up my running number (for 10KM) today in another city just right before that, so lots of driving around, it wasn't fun. Finally I met up with the girls and relaxed for a bit, they both seemed to be in a bad mood~~ but I didn't have dinner apart from a cup of Latte (no sugar) and a slice of cheeze. Pretty good and the hunger was bearable. This morning I'm 53.5. Tonight I'm running 10K, so I'll be packing in some carbs along the day, I should be able to do a 10K relaxed enough ( I hope) especially this is the first time I'll do it alone. Running is a lonely thing anyways....
  • ur losing some weight, congratulation =) i don't like to run alone too, so i bought a mini stepper at home, and i put it right in front of my computer, then i can have all the funs i want,,haha don't give urself too much pressure, add a little more exercise everyday, can't do too much at a time, it will hurt urself =)
  • Hello Hild, At the end, I did the 10K on Friday. I was very proud of myself. BUT (here it comes)..I ate a lot during the weekend, so this morning my weight came back to 54.5. It's very annoying because I know i would spend this whole week going down to 53.5 then in the weekend it would happen again. I like it better when I have a routine at work, I eat normally and if I'm hungry I don't eat too much junk at work...but if I'm home, I'm just snacking here and there for nuts, candies, cookies...I know it's bad but sometimes I just feel like it....
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