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已經認真聽一天了,只能做到以下這樣 ,有可以幫忙的嗎?
to another good idea. Image machine that could power your house for free. That is what exactly two of extraordinary investment claim that they develop, using magnetic and battery ,then a new generator has been described as revolutionary and form a XXXXX

-So John, this is the machine?
-Yes, this is it. Chris.
-What is the capable of?
- A little parallel here. Sis school machine will XXXXXXXXXXXXX.
- It sounds too good to be true, but the inventor John Christy convinces his machine will change the world.
-So John, basically, you are saying this machine can produce 5 times as much power as it consumes.
-Yes, it does, and this one exactly you see. It does. And In fact, it can produce more than that.
-Once kick start up form a battery, John and his partner Lou Britts say this portable type will run for years without stopping. Generating 24 kilowatts of power a day.
-It do give more revolution, I think. I am talking something has XXXXX capacity the change the way the world produce the electricy XXXXX. And this capacity will changes the way theXXXXXX
-John, this is a big XXXX (climb), are you sure you can live up to them?
-We do not really need to live up to them, Chise ,what the, the technology speaks for itself.

-I mean a household could buy one of these machines in a store near garages and XXXX has whatever buying another kilo from a retailer. I mean that how serious this is.
-Steve Brisnton, is an independent electrical engineer, he seen the machines and backs up everything John says.
-It is revoluctionary that is the only way to describe it. I think the technology, it is not banned physics, it is just using principle that I guess a commonly use of generation today in a different way. These guys thought outside the square.
- Basically, magnetic attraction makes negative repulsion that provides the movement of the moment of the XXXXX.
  • 對這種很有興趣
    - Can you understand why some scientists say skeptical about it?
    -There is no XXXX story your engineer who is look to….yeh…XXXXX
    -Luis is the electrician and John a businessman and Ken a final XXXXX them. The two of unlikely inventors have been XXXXXX with their machine for six years. They apply for international patents and have been XXXX by people wanting a piece of the actions.
    -The Nicol says maybe XXXX X
    -Michale buinessman, XXXXX, is one of the many offering money to help develop the generator.
    - XXXXX up to the, what they say, this certain would be something XXXXX. Invest it.
    -John has also spoken to mXXXX Georgy Luin, the man who came up with the wood banch, and who is setting up a fund to start up going on the see.
    - There is an opportunity here to share invention with the world that is beyond anything we XXXXX plan before.

    Scientists XXXXXX university says they are interest in John’s machine they are also XXXXX , they say if the machine can generate as much power as John’s XXXX can and that will rewrite some of laws of physics. And, the XXXXX of paper XXXX will invest it until the generator has been independently tested.

    -Anybody who says it does work hasn’t seen it or hasn’t XXXXX or hasn’t review.XXXXXXXXXX
    -John said this household generator should be available in a year, and sell for about 5000 dollars. If he is right, he will make him much more.
    -And, how much do you think your technology could be worth?
    -I absolutely have no idea…
    -We could be talking about millions of dollars here…
    - Yes, we are definitely talking about millions of dollars, but I’d hesitate to even take a stab at it.
  • 英文不好
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