電腦 / 檔案分享的空間 哪裡有?
我看到Google Documents
************分隔線內Google Documents 說明**************
Documents (up to 500KB)
HTML files and plain text (.txt).
Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text (.rtf), OpenDocument Text (.odt) and StarOffice (.sxw).
Presentations (up to 10MB from your computer, 2MB from the web, 500KB via email)
Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pps).
Spreadsheets (up to 1MB)
Comma Separated Value (.csv).
Microsoft Excel (.xls) files and OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods).
PDF Files (up to 10MB from your computer, 2MB from the web)
************分隔線內Google Documents 說明**************
可是我要分享的是 .wav 或.mp3 檔
Google Documents 沒辦法接受我的上傳啊...