夜店 / 2006/8/19(Sat)正宗雷鬼Party@台中LOBBY
想了解正宗100% Jamaica Reggae muzik 嗎?這次的台中LOBBY邀請到知名雷鬼團隊"O-Brothaz Sounds System",三位牙買加DJ ( MOUNTAIN.LION.ASSASSI ) 輪番上陣,將為您傳達最原汁原味的加勒比海音樂,現場將有專業搖擺舞團為大家帶來jamaica brand new dance,歡迎真正熱愛加勒比海與雷鬼文化的朋友們,直接來現場感受一下唯一的Jamaica Party就在台中LOBBY燒~~~~翻天!!
雷鬼音樂正席捲歐洲和美國各個舞場,你來得及趕上在全球蔓延中的雷鬼風潮嗎?CAN YOU FEEL IT? 感受一下正港的加勒比海強烈節拍吧!!!
別忘了帶條毛巾,因為會很 HOT!!
THE o-brotherz sound system 是由全台第一個加勒比海sound system, 由一群居住在台灣的加勒比海人(牙買加及馬提尼克島)所成立,目地在於向台灣人介紹加勒比海風音樂,包含 Reggae.Soca.Zouk.Roots.Calypso以及Dancehall;O Brothaz以最道地的演出方式將此類型音樂引進台灣。台北知名 Club TU 每個月雷鬼Party 的指定DJ團隊,並成功的在台北ESCAPE CAFE舉辦雷鬼嘉年華會 ,受到廣大迴響後,又受邀至The Wall火哈馬舞會表演,這次在百般力邀下,O-Brothaz Sounds System既將原班人馬移師台中,用一種下半身的節奏煽動台中感官夜生活!!
The O-Brothaz Sound System is the first and only Jamaican style sound system in Taiwan. The O-Brothaz are a group of Caribbean DJ`s who will keep the seesion shaking all night. Summer time is on the way time to get out your bathing suits and dance off the cold! After burning up the nightclub scene in Taipei the O-Brothaz are moving south to Taichung for the first time. The Caribbean club vibes are tearing up dancefloors in Europe and across the globe. O-Brothaz play the latest and greatest selections in Dancehall, Reggae, Hip Hop, Zouk, Soca and R&B. , Taichung, get ready it`s your turn to feel the heat!
地址 / Address:LOBBY台中市大觀路100號
活動日期 / Date: AUG 19, 2006 星期六
當天票價 / Ticket:男NT$ 400 (附兩杯飲料/plus 2 drink)
雷鬼音樂正席捲歐洲和美國各個舞場,你來得及趕上在全球蔓延中的雷鬼風潮嗎?CAN YOU FEEL IT? 感受一下正港的加勒比海強烈節拍吧!!!
別忘了帶條毛巾,因為會很 HOT!!
THE o-brotherz sound system 是由全台第一個加勒比海sound system, 由一群居住在台灣的加勒比海人(牙買加及馬提尼克島)所成立,目地在於向台灣人介紹加勒比海風音樂,包含 Reggae.Soca.Zouk.Roots.Calypso以及Dancehall;O Brothaz以最道地的演出方式將此類型音樂引進台灣。台北知名 Club TU 每個月雷鬼Party 的指定DJ團隊,並成功的在台北ESCAPE CAFE舉辦雷鬼嘉年華會 ,受到廣大迴響後,又受邀至The Wall火哈馬舞會表演,這次在百般力邀下,O-Brothaz Sounds System既將原班人馬移師台中,用一種下半身的節奏煽動台中感官夜生活!!
The O-Brothaz Sound System is the first and only Jamaican style sound system in Taiwan. The O-Brothaz are a group of Caribbean DJ`s who will keep the seesion shaking all night. Summer time is on the way time to get out your bathing suits and dance off the cold! After burning up the nightclub scene in Taipei the O-Brothaz are moving south to Taichung for the first time. The Caribbean club vibes are tearing up dancefloors in Europe and across the globe. O-Brothaz play the latest and greatest selections in Dancehall, Reggae, Hip Hop, Zouk, Soca and R&B. , Taichung, get ready it`s your turn to feel the heat!
地址 / Address:LOBBY台中市大觀路100號
活動日期 / Date: AUG 19, 2006 星期六
當天票價 / Ticket:男NT$ 400 (附兩杯飲料/plus 2 drink)