英文---幾個英文的問題, 請幫幫忙!
1. 飯店房間內提供的"備品"要怎麼說?
2. 承蒙蒞臨 甚感榮幸--可以翻成這樣嗎? The management and staff of the hotel thank you for your patronage. 或是有比patronage更好的字?
3. 這一句的文法對嗎? Please assist us in reaching this goal by completing the questionnaire.
2. 承蒙蒞臨 甚感榮幸--可以翻成這樣嗎? The management and staff of the hotel thank you for your patronage. 或是有比patronage更好的字?
3. 這一句的文法對嗎? Please assist us in reaching this goal by completing the questionnaire.