London Hermes sale oncea year in January. All shoes clothes and some of seasonal leather good and bags are 70% off! Sale shopping bags are white rather than orange. Hermes sale never annoced so few people knows.
In new york Hermes shoes and leather good sale in Alliance Francaise --- l`ecole francaise. Shoes around 100 USD a pair.
In paris surely there are grand sale for Hermes as well.
to Versace Fan 謝謝提醒! 不過我買東西倒是不會以員工價為參考指標 因為那是員工的福利.....非員工拿不到這價當然沒話說 說實在的,我真的不常買LV耶 我說買LV是開玩笑的..... 因為家人以前也買過好幾個LV 聽他們講以前的價格.....比較現在的 我實在開不下那個錢 而且不要說是皮件 有在注意LV鞋子價格的就知道 3、4年前鞋子剛上市時的鞋價 與現在一比.....心裡就有底啦