Hello Luxe,
我有一些問題regarding career path想請教妳一下. 我的dream jobs are to work in fashion magazines or cosmetic companies, and 有興趣的fields are marketing/advertising or product development. 但感覺上這一類的工作還蠻難找的. 原因出在這些出版社和公司比較不常post job opportunities on popular sites such as career.com or moster.com. 有些會post very few opportunities on their own company website but 大多還是要求你直接寄resume去他們的Human Resource Department. (which makes you question whether they will really read your resume or not.) 真的有種不得其門而入的無力感. 不曉得Luxe妳有沒有什麼建議? Thanks so much!!
我有一些問題regarding career path想請教妳一下. 我的dream jobs are to work in fashion magazines or cosmetic companies, and 有興趣的fields are marketing/advertising or product development. 但感覺上這一類的工作還蠻難找的. 原因出在這些出版社和公司比較不常post job opportunities on popular sites such as career.com or moster.com. 有些會post very few opportunities on their own company website but 大多還是要求你直接寄resume去他們的Human Resource Department. (which makes you question whether they will really read your resume or not.) 真的有種不得其門而入的無力感. 不曉得Luxe妳有沒有什麼建議? Thanks so much!!