
1. Majestic, moving and immense, The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King is about as awesome as cinema gets.
2. It`s an astonishing piece of storytelling, sacrificing little of the novel.
3. But these issues evaporate given that his achievement is so stunning elsewhere. As the tagline proclaims, "hte journye ends".
4. If your eyes leak along the way....well, as Gandalf says,"Not all tears are an evil."
  • 我來試試看,
    1. 精采絕輪, 感人ㄉ巨片: 魔界三部曲-王者再臨 是現播所有院線片中最棒的
    2. 影片的故事情節超精采, 只省略了小部份原著情節
    3. 導演編劇ㄉ精湛功力令人讚嘆足以彌補被省略ㄉ部分, 就如同劇終結語: 傳奇到此結束
    4. 如果片中妳禁不住偷哭了, 不要歹謝, 就像甘道夫說的, 流淚不全是壞事