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I don't understand this

A woman who was physically abused by her ex husband so she found comfort in another man. Why is she guilty? Shouldn't it be her ex who should compensate her for the abuse instead?!

If this happens in the US, her ex is the guilty one , not her!

  • 那位婦人因為受到丈夫身體上的虐待, 而再另一個男人身上找到安慰. 為何她有罪? 她的丈夫才是因該因虐待她而補償不是嗎?




  • AHHHH....sorry, ok, you're not asking for the translation....aweee...>.<

    oh well, then what don't u understand?
  • what I don't understand is how can the law in Taiwan be so unfair to women? I'm a man and I just don't think this is right!
  • Lol..i think i get what you're trying to say now. From this article, getting physical abuse from her husband looks just like an excuse (maybe, we're not sure for now since it doesn't tell much details) for her to get an affair. Besides, having an affair is not a solution to this problem. Perhaps she just needs an excellent lawyer.
  • btw, yeah, her husband should be found guilty too
  • sorry, many details Lol....i seriously have no idea what i'm saying right now>.< My computer's gone crushed many times today and it drives me nuts
  • Adultery is not a crime in the US.
    Couples who don't love each other has no reason to stay together, let alone the woman was abused by her husband.
  • Ser
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