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  • appleㄉ電腦介面跟pcㄉ不一樣喔,一些操作方式也ㄅ一樣,如果妳沒用過會有點麻煩喔
  • mac的電腦外型上道是比pc好看太多了至於價錢上mac比pc貴上許多(pc一台一萬多就可以組一台而mac就算拼裝的也比pc貴上許多耶)...至於功能與介面方面就有極大的差異性存在(操控介面基本上mac比較人性化而且當機率也比較低,但是若你一開始觸碰電腦就使用pc的話那你可能會對於mac的操作上覺得相當不容易使用,相反的若你一開始用電腦就使用mac你會覺得mac真的很人性化而且比pc好上手)基本上我覺德若你不是學美工或設計方面的話還是一般的pc就已經非常足夠你使用的,若你堅持要使用mac的話那你也就必須要忍受pc與mac許多不相容的地方到時候你就會發現痛苦的所在了,不過老實說在外型上新的mac G4真的很漂亮還有他的水母音響音質真的沒話說可惜pc不能裝>___<"不過若是我有閒錢我一定會買一台mac來用用....(不過我們系上倒是mac與pc都有...呵呵)
  • 謝謝你們幫我解釋的那麼詳細:)!!
  • I switched to Macs 2 years ago after being using PC for over 15 years. I still have lots of expensive thinkpad and at work we have lots of high end PCs and UNIX machines. But nothing beats OS X for application development, so I expect much better application with the Macs than with PC. SO far the quality of Mac applications are a lot better than the ones on PC. If you do multimedia stuffs like photo, video, audio, etc. You've got to use a mac. We're seeing lots of coverts here in california as no one wants to waste time on handelling those tiresome issue on PCs.
  • 我覺的第一次會覺的生疏,用久你會覺的很順手
  • 不過如果不是學設計的我還是覺得買pc就好,因為有些軟體pc跟mac是不相容的,像用mac上網也很不方便喔~~
  • 我覺得你最好別買蘋果的,她的周邊真的比pc貴很多很多....而且既然你的多媒體需求不是很大~~買蘋果幹嘛.......??搞不懂...
  • Reasons to use a Mac:

    0. Tightly integrated software and hardware that you don't need to waste days in drivers and compatibility issues- those issue hardly exist on the Macs.

    1. UNIX based OS that runs thousands of open source applications that most of them don't work on windows.

    2. Multimedia applications.

    3. Though Macs are more expensive, they also comes with many integrated features that you need to pay extra $$ to add with the Intel PCs. For example, firewire, Giga bit ethernet, dual monitor support, etc.

    4. Macs are better for the eyes and my hands.
    I only got my first Mac two years ago and still have over 10 PCs that I convert to Debian. PCs cost me too much time to maintain- not really worth it for the time wated.

    Anyway besides my desktops, I have laptops running OS X, win 2K, win XP, Debian.
    my preferences are

    1. 5 stars- OS X
    2. 4 stars- Debian
    3. 3 stars- win 2k
    3. 2.5 star win XP

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