• oui
  • Je habite a Taiwan et je sui etudiant
    Vous etes etudiante?

  • Non, Je suis Taiwanese

  • ??????????


  • pourquoi?
  • @_________@????
  • C'est vraiment bizarre de parler du francise ici.
    Personne comprends ce qu'on parle.
    Si vous voulez apprendre le francais, je vous conseille d'aller en France, ca va plus vite !

    I just wrote to the people who want to learn the French that, it's faster to go France to learn the French.And it's useless to write the French here, most of people won't umderstand. it's very weird to do so.
    Otherwise, they can go the Language school, it works, too !
  • Thank you for your suggestion
    I am learning french, I just want to know how many people speak french .
    does any one can tell me what UQAM want to say

  • Bonjour enchante

  • 我學法文的經驗也不是太過愉快,之前在大學的時候修過一學期就drop了,歸咎於同時又學西班牙文所以學不好法文@_@ speaking真的就沒法度了,看得懂卻不會唸..就好像現在遇到廣東話的瓶頸--聽得懂卻不會說...學一個新語言真的要花費好大的心力唷@_@
  • 我們學校教法語的老師是美國人
    我也只學一學期就落跑 很想再學下去
    我發現英文好一點的學法文比較快懂 比如單字不用整個重背 我免強看的懂一些簡單的 也是英文的影響
  • oui~~~~~^_^
  • moi aussi
    un petite peu....