
1.It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

2.It is better to light one candle than to course the darkness.

3.To be,or not to be that is the question.

4.It is better to seek than to find.

5.It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

6.A stich in time saves nine

7.A bird in the hand is worth to in the bush

8.All that gilitters is not gold

9.Don't count your chickens before they're hached

10.Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

11.A fool and his money are soon parted
  • 這是什麼東東啊
  • 1. 類似"寧死不屈"
    2. 你有沒有寫錯...不懂.是course嗎?還是curse?
    可能是- 凡事靠己,不要怪別人.
    3. 自己去理解shakespeare吧...
    4. well, "seek "比"find"來的positive.所以我想應該是- 要有目的的追尋,而不是盲目的找尋.
    5. 不在乎天長第九,只在乎曾經擁有
    6. 有點像事半功倍
    7. 兩隻小鳥在叢林不如手上有一隻的實在..
    8. 會發亮的不一定是金 (就是教你不要被騙)
    9. 蛋還沒有夫出來以前,不要去數 (不要打如以算盤啦!)
    10. 類似"小別勝新婚"吧...
    11. 白吃做不了大事

    哈哈.我不知道對不對囉. 完全是靠自己的感覺.其實這種英文我們根本不太用...你怎麼會要這些句子?
  • 聽起來好像是英文作業喔!!!
  • 翻譯作業要自己做唷
  • 這不是我的作業啦!我的同學剛到美國念書,這是他的老師給他的諺語作業,他不知道該如何翻譯,寄來給我,我也不知道,才問各位的,不要誤會了!