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美國 / 請住在美國的妳,幫我填問卷好嗎?

Please answer the following questions as accurately as possible. Participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.

1.What is your age?
ᆼ 20-25 ᆼ 26-30 ᆼ31-35 ᆼ36-40
ᆼ41-45 ᆼ46-50 ᆼ51 over

2. What is your occupation?
ᆼStudent ᆼEmployed
ᆼCurrently not employed ᆼOther

3. What is your income level?
ᆼUnder $15,000 ᆼ$16,000-$29,000
ᆼ$30,000-$39,000 ᆼ$40,000-$49,000
ᆼ$50,000-$59,000 ᆼ$60,000 or over

4. What is your marital status?
ᆼSingle ᆼMarried ᆼDivorced ᆼOther

5. What is your highest educational level that you completed?
ᆼHigh school ᆼSome college
ᆼBachelor’s degree ᆼGraduate degree

6. At what stores do you most frequently shop for apparel and accessories?
ᆼDepartment stores ᆼDiscount stores
ᆼBoutiques ᆼInternet ᆼCatalogs ᆼOther

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