我現在用la prairie anti-spot serum and cream 主要是brightening...anti-wrinkle...and stuff 兩個質地都很棒 brightening效果還需要一鎮子觀察 我知道你可以買到clarins whitening products la mer got some whiening stuff too. the cleanser is pretty GOOD!
haha, i m sure they have avon over there BUT, not a big store, probably a little shop cart in the mall or something like that u can shop online at http://shop.avon.com/avonshop/default.asp?department=shop well, i can`t find the product that i have online thought, i`ll take a pic for you after i get home 29:)
you might wanna get on www.avon.com there is a feature which helps you locate sales avon rep near you. you might be able to try some items before you pay them, i GUESS? meanwhile, you might also find avon in kiosks, beauty centers and beauty boutiques, and in outlets and department stores
2005-05-03 05:46:33
thank you! Stila la mer have white product in US? what`s the line called?
2005-05-03 09:09:30
could you recommend some product are really work on spot? around middle price thanks!!!