這是Queen's 的 English language requirements
Paper Based Test:
A minimum score of 580 and a Test of Written English (TWE) with a minimum score of 5.0
Computer Based Test:
A minimum score of 237 and a minimum Essay Rating score of 5.0.
Computer-based Test:
Minimum Requirement Discretionary Range
total score of 250+5.0 on Essay total score 230-247+4.5 on Essay
Paper-based Test:
Minimum Requirement Discretionary Range
total score of 600+5.0 on TWE; total score 573-597+4.5 on TWE
hummm...劇我所知,要進東部的大學,並不是件難事(你能活著出來才不簡單)!你大概比較需要擔心英文的問題吧~我有各朋友才剛考完,他是烤computer basedㄉ,他就是剛開始都答對,後來題目就越來越南~所以他好像只烤500多ㄅ~不過他essay拿5/6(出乎我意料之外)我也有各朋友,剛去補TOEFL就烤了500多..