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MapleStory 2 closed beta 2 ends, official launch is next in line

That will it be in Buy Maplesea 2 mesos  closed betas come to mind. Two was the wonder number, as Nexon considered these number of betas enough to polish and obtain MapleStory 2 around the path for the state run release. Yes, no open beta or whatever, this cute anime MMORPG goes straight away to the ‘stores', as they say.

However, there is still work to do, as Nexon goes back to the "grind" to get the action ready. They are still requesting your feedback, your notions on the pros and cons of MapleStory 2. If you wish to help them out, you only need to head over to the Closed Beta 2 Feedback sub-forum and inform them all about it.Now it's really a matter of anticipating news on the state launch date, but I'm guessing that MapleStory 2 could be accessible in a few months.

Buy Maplestory 2 Mesos SEA at:  https://www.mmoah.com/maplestory-2 

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