stila 哈哈,晚上坐metro你和我一樣,都是那種膽大的人,不過還是會害怕的,畢竟那裡的治安還是不太好,我這次在米國都沒買哦,回台灣買了一些,至於買了什麼就只有好aa知道了,好啦,告訴你一點啦,最近我買了一些lunasol的彩妝,真的不賴哦,推薦它的眉筆液和眼影,我接下來準備齌戒了,最近花了不少錢,不然下個月就慘啦!
A guy in my class is f****** ANNOYING! Today,he really pissed me off! I would like to swear him but I didn't. Since I dont wanna be rude to anybody. Otherwise,I bet my cuss is supposed to scare shit outta him!
Beside,Not only I but also almost my classmates DISLIKE him MADLY!
Jesus! I really wanna shout at him. "U get on the hell,jerk"