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減肥日記 / 目標從58公斤 減到48公斤 !!!這次一定要瘦下來

從1月6日~1月12日 瘦了 2.5公斤 囉!!! 從1月12~1月15日~又瘦了0.5公斤!!! 我身高168公分~ 今天是55公斤~ 我要開始第一次正式的日記~
  • What I ate so far today: Breakfast: - fruit & tomato - black coffee (I can't live without it) - cereal with milk - one piece of brownbread with jam >""< Between lunch & breakfast: - 1 apple - lots of water & black coffee I'm going to have lunch now, I'm going to do my best to keep it OK. I'm exercising tonight and I will not eat so this will be my last meal. I stay in a hotel now so even if I'm hungry, I don't have anything to eat. I will do my very best. Each day counts. I will post my lunch later.
  • mimipei: 之前就是因為跟男朋友住在一起~ 每天大魚大肉~非常豐盛!從不吃任何蔬菜水果! 當然也大量喝高糖飲料!那一年使我胖得很不像話! 現在之所以能夠忍住不吃!也只是因為男友正在當兵! 我感謝老天~他正在當兵!否則我這輩子不可能減肥! 因為我會失敗的~我和他極度樂愛美食! 之前和朋友同住是痛苦的~若有5個人便會帶五樣餐給我! 所以我一晚上是吃五次晚餐~那樣讓我變得大胃王! 剛上大學我一開始是只吃一顆拳頭的食物~ 她們問我為什麼那麼早去刷牙~晚上還要吃零食宵夜呢! 我真的無法拒絕了~那麼我懂你的難處! 但我不知道該如何幫助你~妳身邊沒有人支持妳吧! 我身邊也沒有~所以我必須拒絕外出~ 已經欠了10幾次聚餐了的我~哈哈 你吃得很好!但你會餓~是因為不習慣吧! 我已經到現在餓得有點習以為常~ 雖然夜晚會特別嘴饞! 我愛喝咖啡~而且是奶精很多的那種! 但是我目前把它藏起來~ 只敢喝無糖的咖啡.. 我想在4月15日以前或是以後..盡可能瘦至45.. 雖然我不需要那麼趕~但心中卻有壓力~促使我必須這樣! 當然除了急切的希望享受美食.. 也想要看見自己更美的體態! 有些人兩個星期就能瘦10公斤 有些人兩個月卻只瘦2公斤 我真希望上帝是公平的...
  • Orange rain, 我身邊沒有人支持我, not even my boyfriend. He thinks I'm fine. Of course I'm fine cus any BMI or whatever always tells me that i'm having a good weight. BUT I DON'T WANT A GOOD WEIGHT!! I want people to tell me ""wow, you are skinny""!!So this is my chance for me to get there. I was very angry with my boyfriend cus he actually had an exgirlfriend who is anarexia (you know this desease that they think they are too fat, so they puke after they eat every meal?) so his ex was really bony, she is maybe like 38 KG (she is 170cm) and she really looks ugly!! And she eats A LOT!! everytime she eats, she will just puke everything out in the toilet. That's just SICK!! sick in her body and sick in her mind. How can he be with this kind of girl, I would never understand him. And now he thinks I'm crazy for not eating dinner?? Well,he must lost the ability to tell white to black. Compared to his ex, it's better to be fat than to be her. I don't know if she is still like that, for her own sake, I just hope she has escaped that bad behavior of hers. It's really not good to be puking after every meal.
  • My lunch: - lots of salads (without sauce) 60Kcal - tomatos 80Kcal - 2 potato chips 20Kcal - 1 big meat ball 120Kcal - cold cut chicken slices 20Kcal - little bit of rice 30Kcal - 20 grapes 60Kcal?? total 390Kcal I just made a rough cauculations for what I think is the calories. I think I had a good and healthy lunch. Meatball was not healthy but this will be the main source of calories for today.
  • Orange rain, I did it. It's now 22:05, and I ran for 50 minutes outside and I didn't eat anything. I finally did it. Now I'm so hungry and weak but I'm happy. Because I can think about what you have told me. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, and I'm going enjoy my breakfast tomorrow a lot. Looking forward to standing on the weight on Saturday. Haven't seen you much today, you went out? talk soon.
  • mimipei: 催吐確實是不好的行為!那會讓胃部.食道.牙齒腐爛! 並且永遠都改不掉這樣的習慣導致以後瘦得很.... 所以真的不好的... 看到你中午吃得很對~吃點肉丸是沒關係的! 那也是一種攝取營養的方式~而且你努力運動~ 我替你感到高興!~ 昨晚因為等房東等了六小時沒有來~我氣憤!!! 我討厭等人的感覺~那樣讓人不安! 所以當他告訴我她忘了~我便氣炸了!!! 下午3點等到了晚上九點..我累壞了!!! 九點多就上床睡覺...竟然睡到早上六點!!! 不可思議~我沒有失眠..舒舒服服的睡了一覺.. 我該感謝房東讓我疲勞轟炸!!哈哈 身體的疲累讓我睡不著~腦袋的疲累果真是比較不會失眠
  • 日期: 3/11 身高: 168 地秤體重: 49.2 kg 電子體重: 50.3 kg -------------------------------------------------------- 起床- 溫開水 500c.c 早餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 午餐- 水 350c.c + 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 晚餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) -------------------------------------------------------- 捶打膽經 30分鐘 (完成) ------------------------------------------------------- 天氣快點熱...還是冷死我了!! 讓我完全沒有動力做運動了.. 連續三四天都沒運動..難怪瘦那麼慢!!! 昨天不趕快來收房租..害我完全不敢出門買東西~ 都沒東西可以吃了辣..從下午三點等到了晚上九點都要打瞌睡! 結果她竟然說忘記了..怒!!!害我等了六個小時!!! 啥都別吃最好!氣都氣飽了!!! 不過今天難得..昨晚九點上床睡覺竟然直接睡到早上六點 完全沒有失眠~百年難得一見...真的是睡得太舒服了!!! 不過我今天大概也會很早睡...現在就睏了!
  • Good morning Orange Rain, I woke up this morning, so hungry. But I was so happy. I had the hotel continental breakfast so it was very nice and a lot. Last night after running I had a hot shower and afterwards putting my legs up for 20 minutes, they were really soar. Still this morning actually. Today I won't be able to run and I have to go out for dinner, but I'll pay a lot of attention for this. What is happening with your landlord? I would be super pissed!!! I hate people being late or cancelling appointment, it's simply wasting my time. But I hope now it's OK? What are you doing today? My manager asked me to wake up at 6 because he wants to have breakfast at 7, while he is even late himself....it was too early. stupid guy. Today is the third day of my period, I hope this week will end soon.
  • Breakfast: - fruits (3 slices pineapple, 2 slices melon) 100 Kcal - tomato, two slices of cucumber 100Kcal - one piece of brownbread & jam 150 Kcal - milk with multi-cereal 150Kcal - black coffee 10Kcal total 500Kcal!!!!!! I have to watch my lunch today, can not have carbs or bread or rice...I'm having dinner tonight. talk later
  • mimipei: 今天果然太冷了~早上六點起床..下午兩點睏得不行! 結果睡到5點半..晚上不知道又要幾點睡了唉! 不知道在疲累什麼?!讓我一直想睡覺哈哈... 喝了很多水倒是一直跑廁所... 在減肥期間..我總是命令我的男朋友不要逼我吃東西! 但是他會故意誘惑我!當我吃了..體重變重.. 我會非常暴怒!!!後來他再也不敢逼我和誘惑我吃美食! 因為如果是自己吃!我自己還會怪自己~不然就怪他! 他每天都迫不及待的想帶我去吃大餐! 我便會回他...吃什麼吃!我不需要!他便很難過! 但是他看見我變瘦~也覺得挺高興的! 在路上看見一個女孩..皮包骨!他卻露出覺得噁心的神情 雖然他不喜歡看起來只有骨頭~但我卻嚮往.. 因為那樣的身材吃不胖的...哈~ 我恨透失約的人..浪費我六個小時!!!氣透了!!! 所以我從來不失約~甚至還會提前到.. 你的早餐吃的很營養很好!我很喜歡這樣的食物! 希望我去旅行的時候也能享受這樣的早餐 我男朋友說3月24號將會放假一個禮拜 我很擔心那一個禮拜會造成我瘦不下來和復胖! 因為我們一定是會出去玩和吃美食... 希望到時候..別太誇張!!!
  • Orange Rain, My boyfriend never really understood or cared about my motives for losing weight. We are anyhow surounded by fat people so for us, it's less obvious much less pressure. He never really noticed that I hit 60 (until I told him) and when I went down to 57, I also have to tell him that ""hey, have you noticed that i've lost some weight?"" then he said ""yeah, the stomach is smaller"" but he doesn't know really how much I weight and I wouldn't want to tell him. He is 70, so thinking that I'm only 10kg less than him makes me feel like an elephant. If I can be 52, that would be much better. I'm actually very greatful that he is on business trip all the time. So basically every Monday - Friday he is working in Belgium and staying there. So I'm just alone, eating and doing everything alone. I'm sometimes very lonely but at least I can control what I eat, which is great. (I guess there is always up and down sides to everything in life) I'm also very jealous of girls who are 皮包骨, they can eat whatever they want and never have to diet. Well, my road to 52 is alone. Thanks to God that you are with me, but for the rest, I don't really want to share with anyone because no one understand/help me with this.
  • I have another friend, she is around 160 and I think she is 50-52kgs. She is not Asian so for her, it's an OK weight. (Of course cus we are Asian, we HAVE to be skinnier to look good) But she is really always telling me why I shouldn't lose weight (At the time that I was obviously too fat) because i look fine...whenever I lost control and start eating chocolate and chips, she would be very happy...when I told her I want to lose some kilos so that I can be a pretty bride, she says "" I hate those people who lose weight just for their wedding!!"" and I want to slap her, well, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT? anyone wants to be a pretty bride. If I can lose weight for my wedding, I'll be damn PROUD. I know she is probably jeaslous of me, but please at least be smart enough to hide it and show it like that. I'm an enemy if anyone tells me that I should eat this or that or trying to against me from losing weight. And I think you are the same :-)))
  • mimipei: 妳真的很辛苦~竟然還有這麼大的毅力! 若是換成我..大概就真的無所謂..反正大家都一樣!呵~ 但是我想~減肥是讓自己更健康..更開心~有甚麼不好! 我減肥就算沒有人看出來..我自己開心也好! 我寧可被人說~噢!你太瘦了!也不要說..噢!你有點胖! 我總是被人說..噢!妳變胖了!~ 那是讓人想哭的!我恨透那些傢伙! 我甚至羨慕失戀的人不吃不喝.. 但如果我失戀..我只會大吃大喝..這不適用我! 哈哈~開開玩笑 別告訴那些不想喜歡.不用.不想減肥的人你在減肥 因為它們只會扯你後腿!故意的!可恨! 若我說我在減肥.他們便會逼你吃! 若我不減肥.他們便會說妳是胖子! 我搞不懂她們的心態!討厭的要命! 其實當妳減去體重或到達那個體重.. 在外觀呈現是需要經過一星期才會顯現在外表 難怪我每次覺得體重減輕了外觀卻沒甚麼變 後來經過一星期看看才發現真的有變瘦 所以妳要記得不要太過緊張~ 體重不是甚麼重點~是外觀的改變!知道嗎?! 禮拜六又要到來..我每次都十分不安 我假日必須幫男友煮飯..那是可恨的 因為只有他能吃~那些高熱量的食物!! 他真的很討厭..因為他過瘦!!吃了很多也不胖!! 上個禮拜好不容易他吃了很多..一堆火鍋.2個甜甜圈 但是下午左右 早餐中餐卻全都吐進馬桶裡! 他並不是催吐~只是因為喝了一杯牛奶... 所以他不但不會變胖..甚至會更瘦... 已經太瘦了還把食物都吐光光.. 最後他怕再吐掉..晚餐他只吃了茶碗增和一些關東煮! 我真不懂..他為什麼要在我減肥期間吐... 甚至吐完站上體重告訴我..他增肥失敗了 那樣讓我更惱怒.. 我以前比他還要重.. 但是我現在比他輕了許多.. 這是唯一.. 一點安慰我!
  • Orange Rain, I also went to your blog and looked at your pictures. You really look HOT. And I like your style. If I'm your age, I would also love to wear like you. And your legs are skinny enough, have you seen mine? I wouldn't dare to wear shorts or skirts in Taiwan. My legs are like elephant legs. You know why people are like that? Saying we are fat or forcing us to eat chocolate or chips? Is because they are jealous. They are jealous of us. Also because they can't make themselves better by doing sports or eating less, so they want us to also become fat so they can look better themselves. Those people are the real losers. I hate them. Whenever I see a skinny beautiful girl, I always tell myself, that I have to be skinny like her. I'm not going to be jealous of her because I can be like her. This is the positive thinking, instead of making other worse, we have to make ourselves BETTER. BETTER than them, better than everyone. My mom always tells me that I have really a good height, 168, and people of 158 can never have our height, but if I'm 60KG, I can become 52 KG. It's possible!! 體重不是甚麼重點~是外觀的改變! I will remember this!! I want everyone to be so surprised when I'm getting off the plane. I want to make my mom so happy to see her daughter is a beautiful bride. (my mom is also trying to lose weight for my wedding, she once lost 10KG by swimming every night and not eating dinner, but now she gained 5 back)
  • And I also hate those people who ask me to ""accept"" my weight, that I will never look like a model because I'm just a fat girl. I will NEVER accept my weight as 57 NEVER EVER. My lunch: - little salad 50Kcal - fruit (melon, pineapple, grapes) 100 Kcal - fried fish >""< 150 Kcal - small meat ball 100Kcal - two slices of roasted beaf (cold cuts) 50Kcal total for lunch 450 Kcal For today I've already had more than 1000 Kcal, so I will limit my dinner to only 200Kcal if possible.
  • mimipei: 但是身在台灣的我是巨大的!不夠瘦~根本還不夠呢! 減肥之後腿的粗細沒甚麼改變..只有瘦到腰部! 所以不管減肥前還是減肥中的我現在都不滿意腿! 我想在夏天穿短褲!並且走起路來不怕大腿晃動! 減肥時期真不該看電視! 因為那使我懷念起米飯.. 現在多麼想吃一大碗稀飯配上菜補蛋!哈哈! 但是現在已經晚上八九點了可不能! 剛剛看見一個模特兒~他很可憐.. 五年來從沒吃過高熱量食物.. 只能喝流質的還有吃一些些水果~ 因為它必須拍照..每天都有人監杜他的體重! 她已經忘了所有食物的味道...甚至差點不能生孩子! 最後因為生病..他媽媽幫他食補.. 讓她吃了五年來沒吃過的那些食物...他兩個月胖了7公斤 而後他從此愛上餅乾...他可拒絕任何食物 但是每天都必須吃餅乾..她再也不想當模特兒 他男友用出國.名牌包.錢..都無法誘惑她減肥 因為它怎樣都抗拒不了餅乾..她胖了一年 他最近想減肥了..我看到很害怕 我害怕自己減肥之後.. 會不會又因此暴飲暴食 你知道我是熱愛美食的! 所以我想要一輩子都..在這裡監督自己 但是達到目標之後不是嚴格的甚麼都不吃 而是會復正常飲食~但是如果稍微胖了會克制自己 就是那種維持日記! 哈哈~~ 到時候應該會開第二版~~ 因為這裡好像到了500篇文就要換版了~ 不知道我們會持續多久?!
  • Orange rain, I also miss rice a lot. I haven't had rice for weeks. Maybe it's also good I'm not in Taiwan, whenever I'm back, I'm gaining weight for the speed of 1 KG per week. It's crazy. But you know what, it's all worth it. I love our food, our night market, everything about Taiwan. I think 腰部 is always the first place to lose weight? I haven't had dinner and my waist is getting smaller while my arms and my legs are still huge. I think we have the same problem with this. You know, I've NEVER succeeded in losing weight, I'm always gaining. So I can't think about anything now except that I will be 52 (stage one) and I hope to stay there. I will worry about the rest when I get there. I think I'll surely be the happiest girl in the world once I hit 52. Maybe then I would want to be 48....I don't know yet. It's better to set short term goals for now instead of unrealistic goal right? Ever since I read your posts, I've become your loyal customer now :-) let's see how much we can last. I WANT TO TYPE CHINESE!!!!
  • mimipei: 對!瘦得最快的地方是肚子! 但是最難瘦得地方就是大腿和手臂! 這些令人困擾...所以等我有錢我必須買東西補助! 最近太冷了~還好也沒有瘦身霜可擦..不然我會很累! 以前我只想瘦到52該多好.. 果然人類是想要越變越美的.. 於是我又想要從來沒有過的48 但此刻卻積極想要45~ 有時候甚至多希望42! 哈哈...人類是貪心的! 雖然根本沒有必要這麼瘦~ 但是就是想享瘦瘦子的感覺... 十分渴望用瘦子的身體去吃東西.. 用瘦子的身體走在路上.. 因為不是瘦的..我便不敢與舊朋友見面 如果我是瘦得我會非常迫切見面.. 唉...但是我不需要線再去想這些 我該想的是明天吃甚麼才會瘦 明天可不可以瘦 甚麼時候才可以瘦 我只能想這些... 至少一生中努力過這些 等幾年後人生樂趣也只剩下吃~~ 到時候我一定是不需要擔心胖 因為..只管盡情享受美食~~~ 哈哈... 但是現在就必須瘦點苦 有得必有失~~~ 為了以後身材努力吧!!!!! 至少得留下美麗的相片讓自己回憶! 不要讓人覺得我永遠都是胖子 加油!!!
  • Orange Rain, 十分渴望用瘦子的身體去吃東西.. 用瘦子的身體走在路上..this will be my words of the day. You are so motivated, you will succeed for sure. I know this!!!! I think we are all looking for things that we don't have. For now, when I think about me being 52 KG, I would get a big smile on my face, I can think about me going shopping and buying all the nice clothes......Sometimes I ask myself, how can I make myself happier? My first answer is always IF I LOSE 5 more KGS...I would be much happier. Of course I will also be happier if I make more money or if my boyfriend buys me a nice present. But it's not the same. You know, to lose 5 KGs will be the true happiness from within my heart that I did it. Without linking it to just money or material. This is what I'm looking for. For now, for me, this is my life, I don't care about my job nor my boyfriend not even my wedding....because I know, if I don't lose that 5 KG, I would never be able to do any of these well... Orange Rain, I have another question, I saw this teacher ""NaNa's meal"" also on this blog, have you seen it? Did you try to eat that? Do you think it works?
  • Dear Orange Rain, Finally I'm back in the hotel. We stayed really late in the office until 20:00, I managed to convinced my colleague to just have the take away. I went with her but I didn't buy anything. She was nice and didn't bitch me about don't lose weight she said I'm an adult and I can be responsible for myself. (exactly) So I just went for a walk with her and I didn't eat anything. So hopefully all my effort will show when I will go back home. Now I'm going to shower and sleep. Looking forward to seeing your weight lost tomorrow morning.
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