2011-08-01 22:48:432011-08-02 01:53:53
the most inspirational people tired of the road far more often than not, but your heart depressed;
most people tend not decadent future ups and downs, but the loss of your self-confidence;
often not the most painful of life Unfortunately, but your dashed hopes;
most often not the frustration of people desperate blow, but spiritual death.
So some of us we have to be bearish, heart open up a bit, everything will get better!
2011-08-02 01:59:25I never like people, can not pick up a patient and debris, make do with them,
and then said to myself that good things patched exactly the same with the new.
Thing broken is broken. I prefer to remember the best when it looks like, not want it repaired.
Then look at those broken lives where.
- Mitchell "Gone with the Wind
——米切爾 《飄》
2011-08-02 11:20:27Usually we deal with negative emotions is a way to resist or escape,
for anger, fear, pain, or even romance, could there be so.
But resistance will only lead to greater trauma and pain,
but can not really solve the problem to avoid, after all, still have to have to face.
Only through hard practice, the inner negative energy into positive energy and positive,
in order to truly have the courage and wisdom to face difficulties.
2011-08-02 11:24:16~Life on the road to their first few comforting comfort~ :
The most important is that today`s heart; second consolation:
his own heartache only treatment; third consolation:a good state of mind is self-created;
fourth consolation : heart do his own thing;fifth consolation:
do not always make life difficult for themselves with their own.
2011-08-02 21:37:46That is not a game, why there is always a line holding heart, faint as it was not a pain encounter,
why the shadow floating on the bridge, it is not always tied into a dream sleep,
why is your gentle whisper, always give up some time, I never forget, not because the bear,
but it too has carved a name, I call in my heart, not the fear of being heard,
but the fear of being blown away.
2011-08-02 21:44:06In time of wilderness, there is no early nor late step by step,
thousands of people, to encounter his love, it is too rare fate,
more often, we just keep missing each other, miss Yanghwa Piaofeng spring,
missed the Maple Leaf Thurso autumn, until the sky snow can come to understand
- even if sincere, even intimate, even if two people have is ahead of the game we love,
still need time to fulfill and tests.
要在時間的荒野, 沒有早一步也沒有晚一步, 於千萬人之中, 去邂逅自己的愛人,
那是太難得的緣份, 更多的時候, 我們只是在彼此不斷地錯過, 錯過楊花飄風的春,
又錯過了楓葉瑟索的秋, 直到漫天白雪, 才能終於了解——即使真摯,
即使親密, 即使兩個人都已是心有戚戚, 我們的愛, 依然需要時間來成全和考驗。
2011-08-04 00:35:13Learn to give up, and walked away in tears before, leaving a simple back;
Learn to give up, will be buried in the bottom of my heart yesterday, leaving the best memories;
Learn to give up, so that each can have a more relaxed start,black and blue love does not necessarily memorable.
In fact, life does not need so many unnecessary persistent, nothing really can not let go.
Learn to give up, life would be easier.
2011-08-04 00:39:05The life of Man is a wandering journey, I met who is a beautiful accident.
I treasure every one can make me a friend who called,
Because it can make the heart stop wandering the place.
Sometimes a word will be moved, because in good faith;
Sometimes a song will cry, because the natural.
To be happy, more than at this time, but life!
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