人之初:At the beginning of life.(在人生剛開始的時候) 性本善:Sex is good.(做愛做的事是好的) 性相近:All the sex are basically the same.(男女的身體幾乎相同) 習相遠:But it depends on how the way you do it.(但是差別在於你是在前或是在後) 苟不教:If you do not practice all the time.(如果你不常常做) 性乃遷:Sex will leave you.(你將會性冷感) 教之道:The way of learning it.(學習做的方法) 貴以專:Is very important to make love with only one person.(非常重要的是必須只能跟一個人做) 昔孟母:Once a great mother, Mrs Meng. 擇鄰處:Chose her neighbor to avoid bad sex influence. 子不學:If you don`t study hard.(如果你不認真學習) 斷機杼:Your DICK will become useless.(你的老二將會不舉)