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About University of Toronto多倫多大學

Anyone in fashionguide that go to University of Toronto?? or you know someone that go there?
can you please tell me if you like U of T?
I am planning to attend commerce(undergraduate) at University of Toronto next year, and I wanna know if it's a good deicision! Thanks a lot!
ps. my chinese typing is really slow, so i can only type a little of chinese!
  • to erica*:
    i am still thinking about to take TOEFL again.
    but i am not sure i will do better or not...it's really expensive.
    and my dad wants me to stay in Vancouver because my aunts live in Vancouver, too.

    i dont know anyone in Tornto, i am afraid to go to study in Tornto by myself.
    However, i should overcome this fear someday.

    p.s. my first choice was UT, too.
    but now, i think it might be UBC.
  • to cassie905:
    there's very few scholarship that visa students can apply. i know UBC has one, and the amount of money is huge, it like 14000~36000. i was goin to apply for that, but part of the scholarship is depends on ur finacial need.
    and my dad say we dont need finacial help...so...

    haha...i like ur metaphor

    yeah!! add oil
  • to erica*:
    bursuries, and most of the scholarships are for perment resident and canadians. International students are not qualify for those two.
    but entrance scholarships are for everybody, i got the entrance scholarships from u of A.
    but i dont really want to go there.

    anyway, thank you!!
  • to 牛寶貝:
    Umm..i understand! TOEFL is so unpredictable. And the thing that I hate about TOEFL is that it's so long. I always felt asleep in the middle of it, and waste a lot of time( yah, and money too). my teacher said that TOEFL wants to make money so they always try to fail people, haha.

    about where you want to go, i think you have to follow your heart. it's good that your aunt lives in Vancouver, but you should ask yourself if you want to go to UBC. well, my advice is to apply as many schools as you can so you always have backup. Since this year is so hard, it's good to have safty schools and second choice school on your hand.

    don't worry about not knowing anyone la! UT is so big and you'll make lots of friends. Hmm...apply to both and see which school you get in lo. you'll prob get into both..

    also, don't give up so quick on UT ba..can you tell me your score? check out this page and you're prob fine for UT's requirements.

    anyway, wish all the best to you
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  • Hello紅包袋,米布丁~~
    HIHI erica~~I will be back soon for shopping!!!
  • hey michelle, thank you for doing this for me!! i'll save up all my money just to go shopping with you when you come back la, haha! and also good luck on your savings to MD player...hopefully you'll get one when you come back...talk to you later ba!!! don't work too hard~~~~~~ i think 紅包袋,米布丁don't come here every often..don't be upset if they don't response you right away.....
  • 米布丁
  • to erica:
    unfortunately, my brother tried to live in homestay b4, but his gudiance was really irresponsible and charged overpriced...($1200/month)
    so my mom decided to let him back to me~~~~
    I cannot do anything now, but there is one good thing, after my brother grad. from high skool, my dad is gonna send him to shanghai to study for university. even though my dad is pushing me to go with him, hee hee, i wont be so stupid this time, plus i dun like shanghai.
    i m glad my brother is not spoiled, its easy to take care of him except he ates too much (my brother, 185 cm, 200lbs) and asks me to let him drive my car everyday~~~
    how about your brother after you go to U???
    he is gonna live with you aunt or move to Toronto with you???

  • to 牛寶貝:
    i m so sorry i did not give u a hand.
    if your father feels so then dun think too much la. but if its an extra money when not give it a try??? you can keep for the future or just in case, you never know wht's gonna happen tmr, right??
  • to everyone in Toronto:

    there is one more thing i wanna tell you guys.
    if any of you guys want to buy a new car or second hand car, you can tell me. coz my friend is working in a car dealership. he can get great deals for u guys plus he can get visa studnets to approved as leasing a car.
  • to cassie905:
    wow, 1200 per month? that's so expensive...ours is 840 per month, and they are ok...i am not very happy about them, but it's fine cuz we are moving after June. haha, it's good that you don't have to take care of your brother when he goes to shanghai..then you can do whatever you want, right? is your brother graduating next year or something? and when are you planning to attend U of G?
    after i go to university, my brother might go to a boarding school in Toronto (something like Upper Canada College), or he might just stay at the same school and go to homestay...my aunt lives in Waterloo, so she could check on us and homestay...we are kindda lucky in a way...my parents think that my brother should gain his own independence, so he just has to deal with it lo~~~
    i've never been to shanghai, but i heard there are a lot of taiwanese there...my brother refuses to go to china, so we never go..sigh

    can i ask you something about driving in Toronto? is it neccessary to own a car in Toronto?? my dad is thinking about getting me a car when i go to university, but my friends told me that in Toronto, there's no parking spot, and you can go everywhere in subway anyway...is it true?? i dunno if i should get one...
  • to erica:
    not only $1200/month, if he is not gonna stay canada for the summer, he still needs to pay $600/month to keep his room. and that lady is my uncle's friend......wht's a ripe off.
    i apply for this fall, hope i can get it in.
    wish me luck!! also i have applied for Ryerson, but i perfer to go to Guelph instead.
    The taiwanese kids in shanghai are pretty spoiled, they spend money like water. they usually got over 200000NT/month to spend, and that's only their allowances. So i dun know whether my father's decision is right or wht.
    i went shanghai once, everything is so cheap....shopping, dining and transportations. but ppl there.......hmmmm..........

    are you applying for Downtown UT???
    if you do so, i dun think you really need a car, due to parking fees are over a thousand per year (or per semester) that's why i dun wanna go to Ryerson....
    If its scarborough UT, why not??
    however, i still perfer you to get a car, coz you dun need to be restricted to live in downtown. rent is kindda expensive there.
    if i get in Ryerson wht i will do is, park the car at nearest subway station and take the subway to go to skool to save $$$$.
    no car in canada is like no legs........
    especially in uptown!!!
  • to cassie905:
    oh my god, if he is not gonna stay canada for the summer, he still needs to pay $600/month to keep his room. that's insane!! no wonder your mom didn't want him to there.
    good luck to your application!! and hopefully you can get in U of G, hehe....
    i've heard the kids in shanghair are spoiled too, and they don't study hard at school...they even feed prostitute to live in residence or something from what i heard. your brother has to watch out for friends selection lo...
    if you are going to Guelph, it's definitely a good idea to bring your car because there is no subway...i am applying to downtown UT and i am gonna stay in residence the first year. Hmm, then i don't think i will get a car till i move out of residence ba!!
    thanks a lot!!!

    are you applying to something like leisure management or recreation stuff at U of G?
  • guys, i need you here!!! water~~~
  • to erica*:
    i took TOEFL twice.
    anyway, first time, i just wanted to know how the toefl test work. so i didnt pay much attention, and i feel so tired when get to grammar, and reading part.
    second, i wanted it to be the last time so i concentrate on the last two part.
    however, i didnt do well on my essay part.
    Actually, my frist time's essay score is higher than the second time.
    i was kind of shock when i received the report card.
    but....what can i do with them? *_*
    oh...i got 233,4.0
  • to cassie905:
    that's ok!!

  • to 牛寶貝:
    actually, don't worry about it too much la. you can certainly get into UBC, and for UT. Your score fall into the range where they will let you pass if your english mark shows your ability in English. so, just make sure your english mark is not too bad and you'll still get in.
  • to mitch:
    i dunno whether visa student can get the tax back if they buy a car, but i can ask for you.
    but i think the answer should be NO~~~
    about insurance?? it has to depend on how long you have your license and wht kindda you drive.
    i m driving honda accord coupe v6
    due to i have the license over 5 years plus i dun have any bad records. so my insurance is around $2700/year
    it increases this year, it was even cheaper last year.
  • I know it is ridiculous so my brother moved back b4 summer!!!
    thank you~~~ i hope i can get in, too~~
    the taiwanese kids in Shanghai they not only let prostitute to live with them, sometimes they even be the prositute, coz not enough $$$.
    If i get into Guelph i will still live in Toronto, i think.
    i will arrange my schdule, try to put all my classes from tuesday to thursday. then i only need to rent a small room in guelph and come out to toronto for the rest of the week.
    coz i have too many furnitures.
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