Hello Orange Rain,
I'm sure you can do it. Going to 47 in one week!!
I wasn't happy at all this morning, cus I see the weight came back. But then I thought, my body is just an honest indication, if I eat too much, I'll get back the weight (and I did yesterday while I didn't really need that much food). It's the way body works for most people. So I have no one to blame, this is my destiny....for me, be skinny had become my religion, my belief, my happiness and my everything....if I'm 52, I will be so happy and shining, I will be on the top of the world. And it's possible for me. Didn't sleep well last night, so I'm going to go to bed early today. New house is still a mess, I don't feel like cleaning it at all....If I have a chance to eat, then I'll have dinner with all my concious and just be very careful with what I eat. If I don't, then I'm happy for that. Make each day counts (this is what Jack said in Titanic)! For now, all I can think about is to have lunch, hahaaaa, I will come post what I ate later.