我也是毛孔很明顯的用過艾杜莎和benefit遮毛孔的到最後就不管它了,蠻多水水推薦benefit的,我卻覺得用起來很悶,用了幾次就不用,chanel淨白修飾霜我也覺得還好,反而拿make up for ever的stop shine效果比較好它主要是控油,說真的毛孔很難遮的住,還有蜜粉用控油一點也有小小的效果
Purple Dot 你還換名子 你應該要叫Iced Plum Iced Bla Blah Blah
度假? If so, I will feel better then. On my way to Phoenix? Hell no. I cannot stand that lousy temp. there. Yesterday was Black Friday. Suuuuuuugar! It was really g***** lousy. We went out for dinner. I had Margarita. Hooo, it made me complete^^ Stila is ALIVE again. 通緝我? Nah 我才不要當wanted咧