Line balancing of production lines (i.e., distributing the workload evenly among workstations) helps to achieve a rapid flow of work through the system. Time needed for work assigned to each workstation must be less than or equal to the cycle time. The cycle time is set equal to what is referred to ad the takt time. (Takt is the German word for musical meter.) Takt time is the cycle time needed in a production system to match the pace of production to the demand rate. It is sometimes said to be the heartbeat of a lean production system
線平衡生產線(即, 分佈工作量在工作站之中) 幫助達到工作迅速流程通過系統。時間需要為工作被分配到各臺工作站必須是小於或等於週期。週期被設置相等與什麼是提到的廣告takt 時間。(Takt 是德國詞為音樂米。) Takt 時間是週期需要在產品系統匹配生產步伐對需求率。它有時說是一個精瘦的產品系統的心跳。