to 小虫,
Wow. all i can say is 'Good for you and keep up the good work". You must be really determined. I think you are thin enought now. don't be any thinner. I am sure that you are a spicy girl.
to sa sa,
I haven't got your email. can you send it again? well, my family are all big, so it is in the gene. i don't eat junky food and don't eat that much, but i still don't lose much weight. i do exercises regularly and still no effect. I was very depressed by the fact that nothing can really help me. However, i never take any diet pills because it can harm health. anyway, i just wanted to say that we should be happy with what we have. We don't need skinny model body to be happy. i think the media really brainwash our minds on what is beauty.