

最後一句話不太認同<br />因為香港女生更糟糕<br /><br />===========================<br />As an Adult Business Teacher, i listen to a lot of answers to<br />topic questions in my class. when the topic gets around to love<br />and relationships you always hear TW Girls saying the same exact shit<br /><br />我在一家成人英語補習班教授商用英文,跟學生聊過很多事情,也聽到<br />不少回應。當我和學生聊到愛情和兩性關係之類的主題,台灣女孩子的<br />回答都一樣,又臭又糟糕。<br /><br />" i want a guy who is tall, understands me, is responsible, etc"<br /><br />像是:「最好又高,了解我,又負責任,我最喜歡這樣的男孩子了。」之類的。<br /><br /><br /><br />The problem with this is they never really define what responsible is.<br />From my experience, what they mean by responsible is "safe". They want<br />some castrated man with spiked hair who never takes chances, never<br />moves in a direction that might make them feel unsafe, never walks<br />the path less chosen. They want a guy who is just bent to their wishes<br />for "their dreams" ie, the house, the car, the baby, the whole nine yards.<br /><br />她們所謂的責任感,到底是什麼?這就是問題所在。就我長期觀察,她們所謂的<br />「責任感」,其實就是「安全感」。她們想要一個男人,這個男人可以任由她們<br />擺佈(譯註:任由擺佈,castrated被閹割的,衍生為"毫無男子氣概");這男人<br />從不會令他們感到不安;這男人最好盲從大眾,在人生旅程內,不會走那些崎嶇<br />小徑。她們想要一個男人,這個男人最好能依照她們的意願行事,最好能將她們<br />的意願當作自己的夢想,最好替她們買個房子,買輛車子,養個娃兒,買個超大<br />的庭園。<br /><br />Nothing is wrong with those things, except that they have become<br />the "Price For Admission" so to speak, rather than the result of<br />two people's love and efforts for one another. They constantly take<br />shortcuts.<br /><br />其實這也沒什麼。然而,她們總把這些事情當作是「愛的門票」,而非<br />「兩人互信互愛的結果,彼此付出」的結果。她們喜歡抄小路,而非走<br />康莊大道。<br /><br />These Women always talk about how they want someone who understands<br />them. By this, i take it to mean they want an extension of their<br />spoiling family or old boyfriends (Plan B... but still wait around)<br />who will put up with their temper tantrums, immaturity, and stupidity.<br />These women are basically in the market for either daddy or their<br />older brother, someone who is used to their bullshit.<br /><br /><br />台灣女人總希望某人可以了解自己;換句話說,她們就是想要有一個人,能像自己<br />的家人和男朋友一樣,忍受自己的壞脾氣、不成熟、還有愚蠢。這些女人基本<br />上沒什麼市場,除了自己老爹和哥哥之外,沒人受得了她們的鳥脾氣。<br /><br /><br />Expecting someone to understand you is the height of immaturity.<br />We should seek more to understand others than to be understood.<br />The world owes us nothing, but we live in it, and should learn<br />to adapt to it, not the other way around.<br /><br /><br />想要某人了解自己,這本來就是「不成熟的極致表現」。我們應該試著<br />了解別人,而非怨恨別人不了解自己(譯註:子曰:「不患人之不己知;患不知<br />人也。」)。這世界沒欠我們什麼,而我們卻寄身於此,我們應該學習<br />「與世界和諧相處」,而非「教世界與我們和諧相處」。<br /><br />i find TW women to be utterly selfish, insecure, and self centered.<br />As I have seen with many couples and unfortunate friends,<br />when they age it's even more nonstop bitching and moaning. The<br />focus just becomes on more money, more eating, more competition<br />to show off to family and friends. You can forget about an exciting<br />sex life. Lately i look at them with a mild disgust, despite some of<br />their physical beauty.<br /><br /><br />台灣女人特別自私,自我中心,又很沒安全感。我看過很多夫妻檔和不幸的朋友<br />,當他們老了,還得忍受自己的伴侶不停犯賤和抱怨。她們就是想要更多的錢<br />,吃更多的東西,向自己的家庭和朋友炫耀。你別想說有刺激快樂的性生活,<br />我一向覺得台灣女人有點噁心,雖然她們肉體還是有迷人之處。<br /><br /><br />No pussy is worth being constantly drained by these emotional<br />vampires. Funny, with the many new girls I meet here, I aways say to myself<br />"this one is different". LOL! Nope, same shit with a different package.<br />Same movie played over and over.<br /><br />台灣女人個性善變,像個吸血鬼,她們的鮑不值得追求。我也曾經遇過幾個女孩<br />,試圖說服自己:「這些女孩跟其他女人不一樣。」這很奇妙。然而,英雄聯盟啊!<br />她們換湯不換藥,與其他女人一樣爛。相同的悲劇一再發生。<br /><br />Oh Well, at least have a little fun, play their game, complement<br />them on how brilliant it is to wear glasses without lenses, expect<br />to pay for lots of dinners out. And most important....Yes, indeed,<br />know when to say next. Their stock will in value quick and is a<br />short sale. HK Girls are a way better catch.<br /><br />好吧,玩她們的遊戲,看她們戴上「沒有鏡片的眼鏡」,稱讚她們有多好看,<br />請她們吃晚餐,這些事的確還有點趣味。最重要的就是:「該換下一個,<br />就換下一個了。」她們的價值就像股票賣空一樣,下跌得很快。香港的女孩子<br />好多了呢!<br />
  • 看笑話....XD
    好好笑,幾個老外交往了幾個不怎樣的台灣女生,<br />就可以擴大到台灣全體女生都是這樣,<br />台灣有男人出國就嫖,在國內就打外籍新娘,<br />用同樣的統計方式推斷,那台灣男人不是要挫哩等?<br /><br />
  • 嗯<br /> 我看懂了<br /> <br /> 這個ABC真的很窮!<br /> <br /> 窮還確實是他的罩門呀...<br /> 恨意深重XDD<br /> <br /> <br />
  • 看來這個外國人的標準很高喔!<br /> 我不知道這位外國人為何都會碰到這類女生~<br /> 也許他換了工作環境我相信他會看到不一樣的!<br />
  • 白癡文章
    遇到些看到老外就貼上去的臺灣女生<br />就以為全台灣女生都爱貼老外?<br />自己愛去爛地方認識些爛貨還有臉怪別人爛?<br />好啦~歐美女生比較有品不會看到黃種人就貼上來<br />她們好歹會選擇有錢的黃種人貼<br />若歐美女人比較不嫌貧愛富的話<br />那真不知道playboy創辦人海夫納的那群幼齒假奶新歡是怎麼回事?<br /><br />這篇白癡文章想表達的<br />我想就跟白人女性跟她朋友談起臺灣男性size都會噗嗤一笑說<br />:「臺灣男人屌都好短喔」<br />一樣的可笑!<br />
  • <blockquote style="border-left: #999 2px solid; margin: 1em 3em; padding-left: 1em; color: #999">白癡文章 之話: <br /> <br /> 遇到些看到老外就貼上去的臺灣女生<br /> 就以為全台灣女生都爱貼老外?<br /> 自己愛去爛地方認識些爛貨還有臉怪別人爛?<br /> <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">好啦~歐美女生比較有品不會看到黃種人就貼上來<br /> 她們好歹會選擇有錢的黃種人貼<br /> 若歐美女人比較不嫌貧愛富的話<br /> 那真不知道playboy創辦人海夫納的那群幼齒假奶新歡是怎麼回事?</span><br /> <br /> 這篇白癡文章想表達的<br /> 我想就跟白人女性跟她朋友談起臺灣男性size都會噗嗤一笑說<br /> :「臺灣男人屌都好短喔」<br /> 一樣的可笑!<br /> </blockquote>前幾天<br /> FG剛有一個肖連A被騎走了@@<br /> 看來好像還真的不會嫌貧愛富?<br /> <br /> <br /> 哈哈,這篇真有趣<br /> <br /> 版主繼續繼續<br /> 多PO一點<br /> <br /> <br />
  •  不能以偏概全巴<br /> 他有真的統計過嗎 = =<br /> 總覺得太自以為了
  • 這篇真的是太不客觀了<br /> <br /> 難怪會砲聲連連<br /> <br /> 身為一個教師卻在談論這些<br /> <br /> 讓人不免質疑其專業度<br /> <br />
  • 這篇文真的是歪果仁寫的嗎??<br /> 大家學英文的時候 真的要慎選補習班....<br /> <br /> No pussy is worth being constantly drained by these emotional<br /> vampires. <br /> 她們的鮑不值得追求.......<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="" /><br /> <br /> <br />
  • <strong><span style="font-size: medium"><span style="color: #0000ff">U Will Do Anything To Please Those Girls, So U Could Stay At Taiwan And Earn Ur Salary.<br /> <br /> Which U Can't Find A Decent Job At Ur Country</span></span></strong>. <img alt="" src="" />
  • 話題: 一個外國人對台灣女生的概觀 <br /> <br /> 他又不是上帝<br /> <br /> 說的話當看戲<br /> <br />
  • 什麼越南 印尼 菲律賓啊?<br /> 跟那裡女人漂亮關係不大吧?<br /> (男人不是都說女人的青春與美貌會消逝?!)<br /> 那裡物價便宜才是真的吧?!<br /> 台灣隨便我跟老公沒事去美式餐廳吃飯<br /> 一定都要花個3000塊<br /> <br /> 在台灣跟一個美女約會<br /> 在那些國家可以跟五個<br /> 我當然要說那裡好 那裡棒<br /> <br /> 在台灣被打槍<br /> 就說台灣女生不好<br /> 就跟我被吳彥祖打槍<br /> 我就說他是個爛東西是一樣的道理呀<br /> <br /> 到了其他國家被一堆女人貼得爽<br /> 就說人家溫柔體貼讚<br /> 別的國家女人出去都請你吃飯?<br /> 你一毛錢都不用花?<br /> 她難道還每個月給你錢呀?<br /> <br /> <br /> <br type="_moz" />
  • 在自己的國家混不下去<br /> 才來台灣的補習班教英文<br /> 自己條件不夠好<br /> 有什麼資格批評台灣女生<img alt="" src="" />
  • 我想說 的是<br /> <br /> 這樣的女生其實算是少數吧<br /> <br /> 我從小到大四周圍怎麼都沒遇過這樣的女生<br /> <br /> 就連公主病也都是在網上聽人講的<br /> <br /> 現實生活有結婚的朋友  男生不管外貌.金錢都沒有過人之處<br /> <br /> 我很好奇到底是什麼樣的人才會一直遇到這種女生<br /> <br /> 物以類聚吧~~
  •  這個外國人遇到的都是同類型的女人..<br /> 有句話說..物以類聚..<br /> 我想這位外國人應該也是這樣子的人吧
  • <blockquote style="border-left: #999 2px solid; margin: 1em 3em; padding-left: 1em; color: #999">loverlips 之話: <br /> <br /> 幹嘛光分析台灣女生?<br /> 了解那麼精闢<br /> 去分析世界各國女性啊<br /> 有沒有那麼無聊?!<br /> 教商用英文<br /> 跟學生聊什麼愛情感情呀???<br /> <br /> </blockquote>又是一個來臺灣光賺錢 不會反省自己的沙文豬<br /> 我相信這個傢夥 本身也不是啥好東西<br /> <br /> <br />
  • 雖然有部分觀點認同<br /> 但是每個人價值觀都有很大差異<br /> 不能以偏概全<br /> 這樣很不公平<br /> <br />
  • 欸...以偏概全呀!<br /> 只能說,什麼樣子的人,說什麼樣子的話!
  • 不是全部的女生都是如此,但形容的好貼切
  •  機率問題  不過蠻實在
  • <div style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(175, 192, 227, 0.230469); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469); "><blockquote style="border-left-color: rgb(153, 153, 153); border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; margin-top: 1em; margin-right: 3em; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 1em; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); ">FOR FREE 之話: <br /> <br /> And if the girls are 25-30 yo., you are an ATM to them. What the make<br /> a month they can't save enough for the credit cards they maxed out last year,<br /> let alone thinking about next week. They are always complaining about not<br /> having enough money, I would tell them in my previous relationships, my<br /> girlfriends never 'ask' or expect me to support their lifestyle, they ALWAYS<br /> lived a lifestyle that they can afford. It isn't about buying her expensive<br /> girls or being cheap, it is about having a solidrelationship<br /> based on trust, caring and understanding and respecting each other.<br /> <br /> 25~30歲的台灣女生,就只會把你當作ATM提款機。這些女生存不了錢,因為自己的<br /> 信用卡在去年就刷爆了,你別想要她們未雨綢繆。她們總是抱怨沒錢。我很想跟她們<br /> 說:「我之前所交往過的美國女孩子,從來沒有要我養過她們。她們有自己的生活方式<br /> ,她們可以自己承擔這樣的生活方式;東西的價格從來不是談戀愛的重點,穩定而長久<br /> 的關係、互信、互相關心、互相尊重,這些才是重點。」<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Those words are like PHD dissertation to a kindergarten kid.<br /> Yes they will eventually learn, but these types of girls in TWN are the NORM<br /> not exception. A TWN man once told me, TWN young generation is fvcked.<br /> They try to copycat the worst (superficial side) of USA and Japan but they<br /> don't have the talent, means or education or skills to sustain their lifestyle<br /> they seek. That is why they rather live day to day pretending to be Japanese,<br /> or cool American teenagers and LET their parents or idiot guys<br /> that chase them pay for it.<br /> <br /> 這些話聽起來像是說教,像是一個博士在對幼稚小孩子傳道。沒錯,這些台灣女人<br /> 遲早都會學到,但他們在學到這道理之前都是一個樣兒。有個台灣人告訴我:「年輕<br /> 一代的台灣人真是糟透了,他們試著模仿美國和日本的生活方式,卻只囿於表面;這<br /> 一代台灣人沒有足夠的知識、技巧、還有頭腦來支撐這樣的生活方式。」<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Granted, there are exceptions, but you must look like Bratt Pitt or<br /> Bieber, then you can sex with 1,000 of them without even breaking a sweat.<br /> yet the nicest guy can't even hold-hands with them because they are that<br /> stuck up.<br /> <br /> 沒錯,事情總有例外。如果你長得帥(像小賈斯汀或布萊德‧彼特),你就可以<br /> 輕鬆搞上一千個台灣女生。你可以不留一滴汗便爽爽做,然而,台灣最優質的男生<br /> 做牛做馬,卻連牽手都有困難,因為這群女孩子太驕縱了(譯註:stuck-up,驕縱<br /> 之意。)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> In fact, that is what one of my friend has told me. he said it is<br /> so easy to have sex with 18-20 yos in Taipei, Kaohsiung or Taichung, all<br /> you have to do is dress cool and have the 'right-look' - as they are<br /> infatuated with blue-eyed, blond hair, Bratt-Pitts, all their cold-BS,<br /> pretentious shitt s as fast as their skirts.<br /> <br /> 其實,我有位朋友曾跟我說:「在台北、台中、高雄,要搞18~20歲的女孩子簡直<br /> 是太簡單了;你只要穿得酷、有樣子(眼睛要藍色的,頭髮要金色的,要跟布萊德彼<br /> 特一樣帥,一堆糟糕的缺點),那些像屎一樣的女孩子一看到你,就會馬上<br /> 脫裙子。<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Then these same girls will come crying to you (I know some of them<br /> and have even warned them what these guys are after, but these girls<br /> believe in Cinderella stories and think they are the only Cinderella in<br /> the world). They will cry, sob about how these guys cheated on them, how<br /> they trusted them blah blah...and never ever trust them again... I just<br /> laugh inside know if the same guy calls her again next week or another guy,<br /> they fall for it again.)<br /> <br /> 然後這些女孩子就會跟你哭么,哭著說:「他們這麼信任這些男生,為什麼這些<br /> 男生要欺騙她們感情,我再也不相信他們了。」我曾經遇過幾個這樣的女孩子,也曾<br /> 告誡她們,請她們別與這些潮男來往,但他們就是以為自己有這種福氣,以為自己從<br /> 灰姑娘變成了公主,還以為世界上只有自己才是公主!。沒差,我心裡也暗笑,反正<br /> 下次這個騙她們的爛人再找她們出去,她們一樣會淪陷。</blockquote> <div> </div> </div> <br /> 這一段說的超實在,不要說外國人這樣看,很多台灣男生也怎麼覺得。<br /> #李宗端就是最好例子<br type="_moz" />