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減肥 / 朝終極目標44公斤邁進。

1/06 地秤體重計: 58 公斤 1/09 地秤體重計: 57 公斤 1/11 地秤體重計: 56 公斤 1/14 地秤體重計: 55 公斤 1/26 地秤體重計: 54 公斤 2/05 地秤體重計: 53 公斤 2/12 地秤體重計: 52 公斤 2/19 地秤體重計: 51 公斤 3/04 地秤體重計: 50 公斤 3/14 地秤體重計: 49 公斤 希望在3月底可以瘦到48公斤
  • Hello Orange Rain: Breakfast: - cereal with milk 150 Kcal - crackers 60 Kcal - apple 60 Kcal Lunch: - brown bread 100 Kcal - salad 250 Kcal - egg 80 Kcal - some soup 100 Kcal Afternoon: - yogurt 80Kcal - crackers 120Kcal Before I go to the gym around 18:00 : - apple 60Kcal - sandwich 120Kcal No dinner Total intake today: 1180 Kcal I might take some salad or tomato later if I'm really hungry in the night, hopefully I can make it and tomorrow morning 55.5!!!
  • 啾啾小北逼: 真好..吃那麼多之後才胖1公斤@@羨慕死了!!! 如果我也能這樣..半年大吃大喝只胖1公斤多好.. 是不是妳已經瘦得沒有脂肪辣?! 不然怎麼大吃大喝只胖1公斤~ 然後現在少吃多運動瘦不下來?! 如果沒有肥肉就真的比較難瘦下來~ 沒有肥肉的人不能靠運動瘦唷! 停滯期...我只有吃更少和做更大量運動 除了這些..我想不到別的方法>< 因為我目前還沒瘦成功QQ我也不知道怎麼幫你~~ 不然你PO減肥日記給我看?! 我現在也有點卡關了QQ 大概是因為天氣太冷我根本不想運動.. 我最近懶洋洋的...
  • 日期: 3/17 身高: 168 地秤體重: 48.5 kg 電子體重: 49.6 kg ---------------------------------------------------------- 起床- 溫開水 400 c.c 早餐- 紫米紫山藥綜合穀物(114大卡)+無糖豆漿(148大卡) 8:30 午餐- 水 700c.c + 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 2:00 晚餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) ---------------------------------------------------------- 天氣要冷到什麼時候阿?! 早上喝紫米山藥太燙加入冰箱剛拿出的無糖豆漿! 噢~溫度剛剛好~溫溫熱熱的好喝又濃稠!!!好喝>< 這樣讓我超想喝喝看桂格美味大燕麥片! 朋友上次就要買給我..但是都已經買紫米山藥了>< 還是別浪費錢~~先喝完紫米山藥再來嘗試美味大燕麥片XD
  • 不小心把喝的時間PO出來=_=a 我只是打給自己看得.... 昨日完全性失眠 還好體重有降一點點.. 早晨害怕的站上去.. 因為每次失眠我都不會降體重反而會變重><挖 一定是昨天睡了12小時多..把我今天的額度都用完了辣!!
  • candy
    OrangeRain 好多人的感覺好好喔~ 大家可以一起努力.一起分享心得!! 我用過很多的瘦身霜 不知道是按摩的方式不好,還是沒有用~""~ 可是我還是會一直買 我也吃過7-11賣的酵素 我覺得很有效不過好噁心... 沒辦法接受的味道 目標還有13.7公斤 明天在po運動跟吃的東西 你一定可以瘦到45公斤的 加油 我也一定要甩掉14公斤的贅肉>""<
  • Good morning OrangeRain, This morning weight :55.7 I'm slowly going towards 55 but where is the 55.0 I saw during last Saturday ? >""< Last night was very difficult. I went to the gym and afterwards I had some small tomatos and tea. That was it. I was very hungry and I felt it a lot. I wanted to go to bed early but my boyfriend called to ask me to watch some program on National Geography (it was actually very interesting) so I can only sit on the couch and be hungry....all I think about was food and nothing else, I'm so happy last night is over. I guess sometimes it's easy, sometimes not right. I'm also very very afraid about if I was really hungry and the weight didn't change. Now during the night,I'm even afraid to eat things like apple or tomatos...I'm just afraid of any calories!! I work so hard for these 2 KG. It took me 5 weeks..(it's too long) and I still have almost 4 KG to go. Tough road. My friends are always asking me for dinner, I enjoy their company so much but I don't want to eat.....
  • mimipei: 加油!!你做得非常好了!!!你看到55.7!!!非常棒的數字! 你看得到55就看得到54~!!當然看得到53~52~ 你認為困難?!我當初也認為困難..卡在55的時候.. 誰知道我能熬過去..我已經50以下了..所以你也可以.. 你要再熬到4~5月~而我是從1月熬到四五月.. 對於減肥中的我是猶如4~5年的..如果你現在放棄 那麼你之前挨餓是否白挨餓了! 你如果晚上多吃了些東西~你將承受你往後的不愉快 但若你忍過飢餓~讓身體感受我們要瘦下來.. 你往後必定是愉快的! 我很久不趕量尺寸~以前怎麼拉皮尺也到不了的數字! 今天輕而易舉就到了那個數字!我開心我的收穫! 你的動力是甚麼...想想你的動力... 我的動力是..所有人都罵我胖! 現在我比那些罵我胖的人..任何人都還要瘦! 我看她們怎麼罵我胖!!! 那些因我胖而罵我醜的人!!!敢在罵我醜?! 我的動力非常嚴重... 就是因為我知道自己胖..但沒有胖到需要罵我.. 所以我還是更需要瘦下來..我是為了自己!!!!
  • OrangeRain: 運動的話對傷口是沒有多大的影響,因為已經結痂了所以還好不會痛 早上-無糖豆漿+薯餅一片 中午-湯塊+高麗菜+蛋+萵苣菜+奶茶 晚上-梅子綠茶一杯+潤餅+幾口菜 飯後運動:原地小跑步+抬腿共計1個半小時 睡前運動:霜身霜+空中腳踏車1000下
  • Hello Orange Rain, I know, if I give up now. All those hungry nights are just for nothing. It's so difficult to lose 1 KG, but just eating one night full can gain it completely back. It's not fair but this is the way it is. Every night when I go to sleep hungry, at least I'm happy. My 動力 is same like yours.所有人都罵我胖! And I have ALWAYS been the BIG GIRL. they see that I can't lose weight for 10 years....so they tell me ""well, it's OK, you don't live in Taiwan, you are skinny abroad anyway"" but that's so stupid right? I will always be ME where-ever I am. To think it's OK to be fat abroad is totally crazy...Fat is fat, wherever I am. But I know they just try to make me feel better. But I couldn't feel better for myself. Also I have really small boobs (A-B cup only) So if I have a big ass and big legs, I look even worse!! :-(((( I also do it for myself. This is my own project, actually my 10 years project already, I've never come so far except this time, so I'm going to do my best.
  • 17-Mar-09 Tuesday: Breakfast: - cereal with milk 150 Kcal - peanut butter sandwich 200 Kcal Lunch: - mixed pasta salad 300 Kcal - egg 80 Kcal - brown bread 100 Kcal - tomato 60 Kcal Later: - banana 100 Kcal - apple 60 Kcal - yogurt 80 Kcal - grapes 120 Kcal Total: 1250 Kcal >""< quite a lot.... gym (-450Kcal) and no dinner
  • 日期: 3/18 身高: 168 地秤體重: 48.2 kg 電子體重: 49.3 kg ---------------------------------------------------------- 起床- 溫開水 400 c.c 早餐- 紫米紫山藥綜合穀物(114大卡)+無糖豆漿(148大卡) 午餐- 水 500c.c + 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 晚餐- 水 500c.c ----------------------------------------------------------- 昨天早上喝完紫米山藥+無糖豆漿有嗯嗯唷!忘了PO上^^ 原來紫米就是黑米阿!早上這樣喝比之前只喝無糖豆漿當早餐 好很多耶!因為裡面有些許紫米~讓我更增飽足感!好開心唷! 等減肥完之後也可以喝~ 夏天可以喝-> 牛奶 + 桂格黑穀王黑芝麻麥片 冬天可以喝-> 豆漿 + 桂格穀珍紫米紫山藥穀物 兩個都爆炸性的好喝唷!!(減肥期間最感動我的飲品) 不過這兩樣都含有糖!!所以不可以喝過量唷XD還是會胖!
  • 你好猛喔!平均2天∼一個禮拜就瘦一公斤,希望自己也有像你一樣的毅力!加油喔!
  • TO OrangeRain: 我昨天晚上有嘗試7-11的排空機 不過我沒有按照說明使用 是和無糖高纖豆漿+排空機一起喝 而且和飲食沒有隔開,就邊吃邊喝 差不多隔三小時,整個就咕嚕咕嚕~ 整個很順暢,很開心XD 我想以後吃大餐後,可是吃吃看 不然,我想身體也是會習慣>///< 感謝妳分享ㄋㄟ 我的健康日記,我沒有看到順暢那款 我在多跑幾家7-11看看好了XD 希望可以也是順順順~
  • 小儀兒: 是唷!這樣也有效果唷! 我當初也想加無糖豆漿說.. 哈哈哈~~搞不好更有效果~ 因為無糖豆漿裡也有膳食纖維! 真的偶爾吃吃酵素效果才好! 不然就浪費錢囉>< 以前常常這樣浪費QQ 我的健康日記~是綠色的唷~ 應該蠻多的才是~不然那天就是賣光光了!
  • Good morning Orange Rain, This morning weight 55.3 KG. Hm, the weight is slowly going down, I'm not so happy with the speed but at least it's going down. Ate only 1 apple last night, so was hungry...I tried to keep myself occupy with all kinds of things.Because if I feel hungry empty handed, I will for sure have a big food explosion. There are so many nice drinks & food in taiwan which you guys can try. I'm very jealous. Here there is hardly anything so variable and healthy...often healthy things are super expensive also. This week is the first week that my period finished....I thought it would be fast weight going down.....
  • Orange Rain, How can you last so long (starting from Jan already) eating so little....I only started really hard last week (during the weekend I ate a lot) and today is Wednesday, so after 1.5 week I'm already so tired. I don't want to lose weight anymore....but I still have 3.3KG to go..and I don't have much time anymore... :-(
  • 18-March-2009 Wednesday: Breakfast: - cereal with milk 150 Kcal - honey water 40 Kcal - peanut butter sandwhich 200Kcal - 1 apple 60 Kcal Lunch: - brown bread 100 Kcal - salad 300 Kcal - Egg 80 Kcal - tomato 60 Kcal - cookies 180 Kcal (!!!!!) After lunch: - Yogurt 80 Kcal - apple 60 Kcal - grapes 100 Kcal Calories before dinner: 1410 Kcal!!!! Today I have a dinner appointment so I'm going to have dinner and no time for the gym. :-(
  • mimipei: 今天我小紅來了...睡了一整天~ 噢~我並不是一開始就吃那麼少到現在! 我一開始減肥吃的比妳現在多還多~但是還是可以瘦! 那是因為我平常大量大量的吃!突然減少一點所以瘦得快 但是現在你看我吃那麼少那麼少每天也才瘦那麼一點 所以減肥是有分時期的~你熬過這個時期~之後會瘦更快 但是瘦很快之後...拜託已經瘦了降近10公斤還不快嗎 所以瘦了將近10公斤~現在我吃很少但是會瘦得慢 是因為身體習慣了..所以你只需瘦4公斤~你得加油! 我說過了非常非常多的鼓勵的話與激勵的話 我想不出甚麼好的話X(抱歉辣..我詞窮了~ (千萬不要以為我在罵你~以上~我是真的感覺抱歉) 我想鼓勵你~但是語言真的很乏味對吧>< 你會容易比我餓~因為你常常活動...到處來去! 所以你會容易想吃~我都待在家裡都想吃了何況是妳! 你可以吃~~以後你將會更有動力..別太嚴苛了 基本上我對自己也不夠嚴苛! 只是後期必須嚴苛~不然我會卡在減肥沒完沒了 我想要..至少熬到4月15一次解決... 4/15之後我將可以放縱自己..可以吃任何食物 但是我將會有幾天克制自己體重! 畢竟我已努力許久..減下不少10~ 也該為自己補補~~~但是那個禮拜我會先大量吃青菜! 第二個禮拜再把減肥期間不能吃的冰在冰箱的微波飯吃完 第三個禮拜再把減肥期間不能吃的並在冰箱的甜糕吃完 慢慢讓胃變成正常~我將可以吃任何食物 雖然我現在如此的想... 但卻還必須要在維持... 我才剛瘦到48而已 只要吃一碗飯..就可以胖1公斤 我不想要為了吃這碗飯而浪費了我一個禮拜的努力! 剛睡醒的我不知道自己打了甚麼~~希望妳能諒解X(
  • Orange Rain, I'm glad you came back. Of course I know you are trying your best to encourage me...and I know everything you have told me by heart. You have told me and I read your words and other weight loss blog many times a day. In order to tell myself that it's not easy and it's a challenge not only for my body but for my mind. I hope you don't think I'm too much depending on you....I hope me being here can also help you in the way that you help me. (At least we can talk about this together). You lost weight very fast, you've lost 10K in 2 months. This is crazy. I also sort of started in Jan, in 2 months I lost 3 KG. Compared to you, I didn't suffer at all. I know that. I'm working and I love chocolate and food...so maybe this is just a harder job for me than for you. I also don't want to live this life forever, it's not easy...I often find myself making excuses to excape dinner with friends..any way that I can NOT EAT, I'll do it. It's not always easy.
  • I have developed a strange relationship with the food now, I'm very afraid that once I started having dinner, I will gain all the weight back. I have never succesfully lost weight by my mind. This is my first time and I'm quite afraid. I know I will learn throughout the way. Tonight I'm going out for dinner with some friends, to eat Korean food :-))) (i love Korean food) these girls know I'm trying to lose weight, so it should be fine. Now I often get worried eyes in the office cus people start to notice that I'm losing weight..lots of them ask me to be careful cus I look too skinny for them (well, that's cus you guys are too fat) it's a nice feeling.
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