《離情依依》Reluctant to part
依舊是花香鳥語 依舊是春風拂面
There is still fragrant flowers and birds chirping.
There is still Spring breeze caressing face.
依舊是西樓月滿 依舊是夜涼如水
There is still moonlight shining on west wing of the building.
There are still nights as cold as water.
只是你悄悄離去 只是你了無訊息
The only thing is you left without saying goodbye.
The only thing is you are gone without a word.
縱有千般思念 將訴憑誰 將訴憑誰
As though I miss you so much,
To whom can I pour my heart out?
To whom can I pour my heart out?
往事不堪回首 夢痕無從牽記
Too much pain to think of our past,
So hard to dream the old dreams.
舊恨埋在心底 新愁又湧上眉際
Regrets from the past buried deep down inside my heart.
Frowning for the new frustration arose.
為什麼情兒癡迷 為什麼淚兒失墬
Why does my heart sentimentally bewilder?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
如今人比黃花 為誰憔悴 為誰憔悴
Now my youth is over like blossoms of yesterday.
For whom I become haggard?
For whom I become haggard?