TO golden_curls~~ 我記得桌面比例好像是53-57%耶.. 並沒有到60%吧... 車工好像佔鑽石價格不止這麼少吧...??? 這和我所學到的不太一樣耶..?
2005-05-27 16:02:17
有沒有人英文比較好的.. 幫我翻譯一下.... 去年買的證書.. 有一段文字... 內容如下.. All three quality factors of Cut,Color,and Clarity can dramatically affect the beauty and value of a diamond.Because of cutting,diamonds with the same color & clarity grades can vary in value by as much as 50% or more.Therefore,it is advisable to consult a Certified Gemologist or other credentialed gemologist,before purchasing this diamond. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT A WARRANTY,GUARANTEE,OR APPRAISAL OF VALUE. 麻煩各位水水幫忙喔.. 感激不盡..