Hi Bellechris ~
I think it`s very difficult to find a nice graphic design career in the US
Especially if you want to enter a famous design agency.
I am not really clear about the career path for art related majors ... cause I am not a art major.
But from what I know, most of the famous art schools are private.
They are quite expensive ...
around USD $40,000 a year excluding art supplies, I believe.
My friend, who is a graphic design major at School of Visual Arts, I see her work on many projects and have to get her portfolios reviewed at least once a year by the department head. I see her buying all different kinds of art supplies and computer softwares, more importantly you need a really really nice Macintosh computer and a really fine color printer to print out your work.
I think it all depends on the schools.
Different schools have different requirements and student level.
I hope this can help you a little =)