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About University of Toronto多倫多大學

Anyone in fashionguide that go to University of Toronto?? or you know someone that go there?
can you please tell me if you like U of T?
I am planning to attend commerce(undergraduate) at University of Toronto next year, and I wanna know if it's a good deicision! Thanks a lot!
ps. my chinese typing is really slow, so i can only type a little of chinese!
  • to cassie905:
    I know~~~ U of W is a great university. two of my friends are in CS there right now, and they both said the school is really nice but hard. well, U of W is only great at math and engineering, but since i don't think i want to go in those fields then i prob won't apply there.....U of G is really good too. if you like the little town atmosphere, it's a great place to live. Waterloo and Guelph are both pretty different from Toronto though. you are going to U of G to continue the degree?? good for you!!!! i think you'll like the university very much
  • to 牛寶貝:
    really?? UBC has a lot of taiwanese?? the kids in my school that want to go there are Canadians, it prob won't harm them much if there are lots of chinese.... it won't do any good for us thou, hehe!!! i like your joke, but i think they already applied (a little too late now, haha)
    anyway, which faculty did you apply to in UBC? science? arts?
    those two are not as competetive as commerce...it requires like over 93% to get considered.

    we have gr.13 in my school (OAC), and they are gonna go to university with the gr.12. this year is extremely hard, and i think a lot of people are not gonna get excepted.
    it's such a screw up because the residence in uni. won't have enough room either..
    and next year, those people who don't get accepted this year are gonna apply again so it will be competetive also!
  • where is everyone????????? ^_^
  • 大家加油吧
  • to erica*
    Vancouver 本來台灣人就不少了
    以前還有人跟我說UBC IS STAND FOR



  • to牛寶貝:
    i met lots of visa student at college but most of them are "Chinese" (From mainland china). some of them are good, but most of them are rude...... when i was in high skool, most of them are citizens.
    i know the tuition is very expensive
    i pay triple of local student should pay.
    so heartbroken everytime i pay my tuition fee.
    when i came here, i shopped a lot... since no one was beside i spent $$$ like water. then my parents cut my budget, i started to learn how to manage it well. now my parents won't ask me any questions about $$$$$$.
    you need to let your dad trust you. be a good kid. lots of visa students here are not concentrating on studying. perhaps your dad knows this, so he is worried about you. shop is neccessary but shop it reasonable la.
  • to erica:
    accounting program in u of w is good as well, my high skool accounting teacher push me to go there, but i was too busy at "playing" during that time. sigh.....feel kindda regret now. i m kindda tried of speaking chinese and see chinese. especially many of my teahcers think i m from china and dun speak english (coz my college has lots of chinese visa students and they dun speak english) i dun like that kinnda feelings. so i perfer to go to small town. at least ppl there are nicer and more friendly.
  • to 牛寶貝:
    you apply to science?? what kind of career are you thinking of? i was gonna apply for science cuz i was not bad at it, but i really don't like it. and i figure that university is much harder, and it will be such a pain for me if i choose to study something that i have no interest in.


    i totally agree....by the way, did you apply to SFU. they have beautiful campus.
    and which Ontario university did you apply??
    there are more universities in Ontario...but a lot of its location are out in the towns. i am city person, so i prefer to go to school in Toronto.
  • to cassie905:
    oh well!!! There are soooooooooo many chinese in U of W. and they are all in the math and engineering department. most of the chinese are from mainland and hong kong. one of my friends is in the math department, and her english became so bad cuz she never use it. all she speaks in UW is chinese...it's kinda bad. However, i do believe that people here are more friendly and nice. ... they are a lot warmer~~~~~~ i guess it all depends on the personal perspective and how you look at things
  • i'm a ee major in university of waterloo! just came here to say hi!
  • hi 紅包袋
    sorry, but i am pretty slow..what's "ee major"?

    just curious^_^
  • 紅包袋~

    ee...electrical engineering?

    以前都不知道這那麼多人住多倫多..or Ont.的=)
  • wow 紅包袋!!!
    are you really in electrical engineering?

    you must be super smart...UW's engineering is really tough to get in and get out with a degree
  • thanks for the compliments!but actually, i'm thinking about giving up the study here... i miwant to apply the uniersity in usa.
  • to erica:
    i know there are lots of chinese in Waterloo
    but wht i mean is i perfer to go to Guelph to study for my degree. i believe there are not too many chinese in Guelph.
    i m still thinking now, coz i need to take care of my brother, dunno whether my parents would let me leave my brother alone or not
  • ooops, sorry i misunderstood you..
    it's all good, haha....well, yah i think Guelph doesn't have as many chinese as waterloo. it's a good school with great atmosphere cuz i know people that go there, and they all like it.
    how old is your brother? your brother could go along with you to Guelph too. and the exapnse in guelph won't be as high as toronto
  • to 紅包袋:
    which year are you in? don't give up too quickly la!! cuz you know, once you get out with a degree, there's a super bright future waiting for you. haha, that sounds so cheesy
  • where is everyone again?? i am so bored, and this march break sucks
  • yeah.. i know i can have a bright future after i get a degree here! ;o) (I am in my third year in waterloo) but i also want to apply some prestigious in usa! i haven't decided yet!
  • 紅包袋~
    再撐個一年囉! 朋友都說waterloo不是人讀的...妳一定很棒! 想問妳喔 妳有做過任何engineering related part time job嗎? 哪裡有在請人呢? (first yr engineering)
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