

  • To lccw:

  • *蘭蘭
    to kiaora:



    Btw, I agree with your opinion about those "Maindland Chinese"!Most of them are noisy and they always like to talk about "political stuffs" with Taiwanese..e.g.Taiwan belongs to China...something like that..唉
  • *蘭蘭

    I am study and working.

    I know, those Mainland Chinese like to talk about politics, i just cant bear with that, there are many occasion that they told me how wonderful their country is, i told them "oh, if that good, why do u want to come out to NZ and rely on social welfare benefit, and you got to realise part of that comes from my pocket", most of them will shut up, but this was happen in earlier days when those people are poor.

    For last 2-3 years there seems to have a lot of rich Mainland Chinese. Once we are discussing in a group for the test, and one of the man in his early 40s, he said "do you support united nation or Taiwan independet", i told him "if there are many ppl like you in China, i prefer independent",

    he said "do u think Taiwan will win the war "

    i told him, in many sense and economically we will win the war, but physically i am not sure",

    he goes on and said "if you dont think Taiwan will win, why bother struggle?"

    I told him "i am here to study, to do business study, not political study, either degegree require good English standard and a bit of brain work, if you cant cope with English and is not clever, be prepare to fail, and you can do politic study back in China" Finally this guy shuts up.

    I think such things only happen to age30+, younger generation wont talk about politics. Sometimes i will be cool and give them a "shitty face" and said in English "leave me alone, preak"
  • 我可能聖誕節會去找我舅舅喔
    我很喜歡 基督城
  • sorry *_< 我不是Jessica..我也不認識叫Jessica的人耶@___@"
  • 有人可以給我紐西蘭觀光研究所申請的建議嗎