I`m living in Japan and now working in the office where I`m not able to type in Chinese. I`ll be happy to tell you girls about the 2005 Dior Tres Kit Japanese Version later on............will post the message later!!
去年的薰衣草我也有..... But今年的包包在日本評價非常高,大小軟硬適中,外部有防水coating髒了容易處理!!! 但是除日本版是比較適合當雖身化妝收納用的size之外, 海外版比較大唷~~ 日本人基本上比較重不質不重量,每年日本版內含物都和其他地區不同,眼影,粉餅(200 is most popular in JP),唇蜜(251 is most popular in JP)都是限量限定package and color got to go...later!!!