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Uria says time, or the lack of it, is the biggest excuse among those slacking off. But he says people mistakenly think they need to sweat for hours for any health benefit.
"People waste a lot of time exercising -- all you need is 30 minutes in your day, and that`s 30 minutes more than you would have done," he says. "It`s not difficult to do something. ... You don`t have to spend hours in a gym to do cardio; 20 minutes is sufficient."
Adding variety to a fitness regime also can prevent you from hanging up those exercise shoes. After a few weeks of well-intentioned workouts, boredom may be creeping into your routine.
But mixing up the method of workout (an aerobic dance class instead of walking, for example) or taking the action to the great outdoors can help alleviate some of the tedium, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Setting goals too high is another common mistake. If you`re not running a marathon at the end of the month, don`t worry, say Mayo Clinic experts. A too intense workout -- and the resulting pain and stiffness -- is discouraging and may force most to abandon a program. Starting slowly is key.
But if your goals already have fallen by the wayside, Uria says to start up again immediately.
"A little setback is OK; get back on the horse and ride ... drive toward that goal," he says.