to Luxe, Just a hunch? 妳的 hunch 讓我嚇了一大跳. But I kind of figure out how you have that hunch. I hope you don`t mind me say this. But i was a little disappointed that when you mentioned that you were in Boston the same time I was. I have to tell you that I really wanted to meet you. I am sure that there are a lot of FG people wanted to meet you too.
我剛讀了"話題:文大鬼最大",真是緊張精采 讀到室友C到床邊那段,我都快要暫時停止呼吸了 好怕 "文化校友" 會出事. 我的遭遇其實不長, 只是我的中文打字 is so bad. I mostly use online 翻譯. then do a lot of copy and paste. 加上我的遭遇和"文化校友" 相比, 我的是小巫見大巫 我就不獻醜了