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LV / Louis Vuitton Cherry Blossom Umbrella

It's finally available here in the USA!!! I'm goning to pick up mine this weekend.
It hardly rains here in southern Califonia....
For those of you who already got it, can it be use as a 陽傘?
  • blugirl,
    I got it from the boutique in south coast plaza. It's $323.25(tax included). I can't wait to pick it up this weekend!!! Are you getting one, too? I just called and asked the sales about the hair pin she said they may get some by the end of June.
  • to visual,
    等妳拿到後可以照些圖片email給我嗎?(我有點信封寄email address給妳)我也在Dallas排但好想先看看長什麼樣,Vuitton網站上的圖好小喔.Thanks a lot.
  • to blugirl,
    Really? Dior is having a sale now? 50% off is really good! I better go check them out tomorrow. CHANEL is having a sale, too. Did you go check it out? BTW, Where do you live?
    Yes, I think you should put your name on the waiting list if you really want the hair pin.
  • momoko,
    sure! I'll sent you pictures once I get it. The sales told me it's really really cute! Do you know if Dallas going to get the phone strap and hair pins?
  • FG有規定說不能打英文嗎?! -__-
  • blugirl,
    You got a pair of Dior sandal at 50% off? Wow, that's really great! I'd better go check them out today after work. Hopefully there're still some goodies left. CHANEL is having a sale now. Did you check it out?
    Yes, I think you should get on the waiting list asap if you really want the hair pins.
  • 快樂魚,
    Are you getting the hait pins, too? Have you seen any pictures of it? I'm afraid they will be the size like the flower pins which is kind of big. If you found any pictures on the net, please let me know. Thanks!
  • blugirl,
    Saks 5th Ave 的 CHANEL 也在打折嗎? 我以為只有boutique在打折. 對啊,百貨公司像saks, neiman marcus carry 的 styles 和 boutique 不大一樣,有的還比較好看呢. 像PRADA boutique 的鞋就沒有neiman marcus's 的好看. 我通常都在neiman買. 對了,妳知道south coast plaza�的PRADA關門了嗎?
  • visual:
    I am still waiting the hair pins ,too ~~ :(
    ya..I saw the pix already in L.V store.I don't think we can fine them on the net Those are pretty cute ..there are three different pattern which are panda bear,onion head and flower hat ..^^ the sales told me that the size of hair pins is similar with flowers :)
  • 其實沒關係吧

  • 照你這麼說,那麼在FG上用英文發表意見的人都很不應該????
    基本上我覺得你很無聊 ~~~~~~~~~~~
    人家講得高興,也不關你的事 !!!
    不好意思喔~~我就是覺得不怪 !!! ^_^
    隨便你囉 ~~ 懶得跟你這種人講話
    有損我的腦細胞 ~~~~~~~~~
  • 還有,也不知到你是活在幾零年代的人,
    中國人呢,英文更是說的一流 ^_^
    反而是你,你已經妨礙到人家的言論自由了!!! >__<
  • visual:
    I don't think L.V umbrella can be used for " 洋傘' ..^^ it's a little big ..
  • 應該是








  • BelleFille:
  • 桃子小妹
    唉歐~ 其實我覺得在台灣的討論區用英文沒什麼好大驚小怪的吧~ FG在國外也蠻popular :) 這要值得高興阿:) 這裡很多世界各地來的朋友們.有L.A,SF,London,Australia,Canada,
    New Zealand 沒錯,英文是世界語言,雖然可以去下載中文軟體,可是就是懶阿,不然就是英文打習慣了...
    我想這真的不是很重要,水水們聊得開心才是重點 =)
  • 我也覺得快樂魚and桃子小妹說的蠻有道理...Althught this is chinese website, some people found it's easier to type english to do the communication and aslo can draw people's attention who stay in the foreign countries to help their question. This topic starts English to do communicate...is a good example.
  • 愛上紫羅蘭的姑娘,
    you said it very well...thanks a lot!!
  • 快樂魚,
    Don't bother to explain anything to those people. It's our freedom to type in any languange we want.

    You did see the pictures of the hair pins?? Tell me more!! What do they look like? Are the characters 立體的? I went to pick up my umbrella today and I asked the sales about the hiar pins but she doens't know anything about it!! Not even a picture for customers to look at.....
    BTW, I love the umbrella, I really hope it will rain sometimes here in southern california...hey is there a 套子 for the umbrella?
  • bligirl,
    I just came back from shopping. I went to South Coast to pick up the umbrella and then I went to Dior. I got a pair of grey denim slides with pink trim and silver keys and locks. I also got a matching grey denim skirt at 50% off!! And I got a black leather handbag(I'm not sure how to describe it maybe 保齡球/醫生包) at 50% off. Then I went to Neimans and got a pair of Manolo Blahnik's 豹紋 mules for 15% off!
    I saved over US$600 today!I FEEL GOOD!!!!
    Hey, maybe someday we can go shopping together. It's should be fun!
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