princesseparis的話: 今天去逛門市時看到的, 試了一下又問了何時推出, 小姐只說大概九月份推出, 味道我好喜歡哦~~ 夏天擦起來一點都不油膩, 顏色是淡紫粉紅色. 一推出一定要去看看. 這個系列好像有五款新品.. ================================== I can prove that the message from "princesseparis" is 100% correct. L`occitane is going to promote new line "Grape" in September. The new line will have 5 new products and most of them are skin/face care products. Also none of them are for body wash. I got the information from L`occitane in Toronto, Canada. The sales showed me their internal catalogue. I saw the product photos of the new line "Grape" on their internal catalogue. The package of the new line "Grape" is 淡紫粉紅色. They also told me the new line "Grape" would come out in September in Canada, so I believe that L`occitane in Taiwan will also have the new line "Grape" this year, maybe in September too. By the way, the promotion in August is still "Lavender" for sure. Hope this message can answer everyone`s questions and clarify everyone`s confustion. Let`s expect the new line "Grape" together!!~~~~~~HAPPY~~~