To史小妹 yes, you can get married with american citizen. After you got married, your husband has to go to INS to apply your green card and everything for you. However, there are many things you have to take care before you do that...
to 史小妹, Your friend's sister can do that, but she must not say anything about marriage when she talks to immigration officer. Just say only sightseeing. She has to prepare (at least) her birth certificate, Police criminal record certificate, house hold certificate (all in english) for his husband to apply green card for her. (i'm not sure what else INS will ask, but those are I prepared) After she got married, they have to go to INS to apply green card asap. (before her authorized stay expired) and she better not go back to Taiwan until she got green card; otherwise, she may not get it forever. So she has to prepare it may stay for 2-3 years in US...
To Greece!^++^, Just answer my friend invited me to see her.
(舉手~~~!) 我有疑問!! 為什麼過海關不能提到結婚? 到美國跟美國公民結婚 與到美國"企圖"與美國公民結婚是兩馬子事吧? 結個婚還還要偷偷摸摸,好污辱人~~~ 他們美國人以為他們是寶嗎? 結婚又不是犯罪 要是我我就帶著超大訂婚鑽戒,往海關抬子上一攤 說"I come here to marry my fiance!" 你敢攔我行使我的基本人權? 當然,基本的證明還是要提的出來啦