
昨晚看到一句子不是很懂後半部的意思,想請教英文高手是否能稍微翻成中文一下呢? 先謝謝您熱心幫忙喔! Divorced single parents that take on the main responsibility for raising the children sometimes feel that a public whipping for cheating a spouse isn't a harsh enough punishment.
  • 扛起扶養孩子責任的離婚單身家長有時會覺得公眾指責(輿論)對於外遇來說算不上嚴懲<br /> <br /> 差不多是這樣子的意思<br type="_moz" />
  • <blockquote style="border-left: #999 2px solid; margin: 1em 3em; padding-left: 1em; color: #999">Silentme 之話: <br /> <br /> 昨晚看到一句子不是很懂後半部的意思,想請教英文高手是否能稍微翻成中文一下呢? 先謝謝您熱心幫忙喔! Divorced single parents that take on the main responsibility for raising the children sometimes feel that a public whipping for cheating a spouse isn't a harsh enough punishment.</blockquote><br /> 承擔起撫養孩子主要責任的離異單身父母,有時覺得因外遇而公開鞭打還不夠嚴懲。